Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tom Perry

Mormon miracle pagent. Before pagent, talked to cast members, cast of over 800 people. Organization was an inspiration. 15000 people in attendance; thrill to see army catch the vision of the story of the restoration. We love to attend a temple session; there is a special spirit in these older temples. It was an emotional experience. As we progressed through session, he could hear early pioneers pride in their building. We performed this labor under our own power.

Ronald Regan: I don't want to go back to past; I want to go to past way of facing the future. Legacy of faith, courage, ingenuity the pioneers have left for us. Embracing the gospel was a complete change of life for them. They left behind everything to journey into the wilderness. This is the place: vast desert wasteland. With firm faith in god and leaders, pioneers went to work. Brigham Young had them leave their home again to spread out and settle other parts of great basin.

History: 1849, BY called saints to journey south to build new communities in desert wastelant in Manti. On the hill, a temple would be built. Some years passed, citizens began to be anxious. We'd better get busy and build it. Diligence of the workmen. Hinkley said that he's been to great buildings of world, but none feel like these pioneer buildings.

Past can provide better way of facing the future. Story about carpenters from Norway who were to build a roof; hadn't built roof, but built ship. Used lessons from the past to meet the challenge. Doesn't matter if it's right side up or upside down.

There are eternal principles that are everlasting. We as members have SPECIAL ACCESS AND INSIGHT, esp as we listen to spirit and hear the prophet's voice. We know how important these our in our lives. Pioneers couldn't face future without these, and neither can we.

He that preacheth and that receiveth are edified together. When we receive blessings and got the name of christ, we accepted the OBLIGATION to share the gospel with others. Church turned the missionary programs upside down; ward mission plan. Progress is made at an ever increasing rate. Missionaries are successful. We have discovered that ward based missionary work is way better. Recieve discussions in member's home. We can directly experience sweet blessings, members become more inclusive as we ponder who we can share the gospel with. Missionary work is more than tracting: members who introduce an investigator, anxious for happiness of investigator. Full time missionaries do most of the teaching, but members must share their testimony. We must prepare ourselves to teach basic gospel principles. This will strengthen members.

Plan of Salvation
Gospel of JC

How prepared are you to give witness and testimony, to play supporting role to missionaries? May we all learn both the lessons taught by ship building. Principles and truths of past can help us face future; we can share what we know with others to help them. If we share the gospel, other people will be happy. GOspel of JC is true. It has been restored, has all truths, plan for us to live and follow him, gospel of JC is divine way for us to face our future.

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