Thursday, April 9, 2009


I was told today that polygamy was never doctrinal, despite the fact that it is in the DOCTRINE and covenants. I was told that finding it in D&C 132 is all interpretation and false. I was told that it was just a mistake on the part of some imperfect men.

I don't know whether to laugh or to cry.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Young womens values part 3: Individual worth

Worth in the mormon church is evaluated in very specific ways. Worthiness is evaluated yearly and sometimes more often.

I am 12, excited to go to the temple for the first time. Finally I get to do baptisms for the dead. I have to get a recommend so I sign up for an interview. I wait in the hallway of the church with the other pre-teens, all nervous, all restless, all confused and hormonal and crazy, as we are one-by-one collected into the bishop's office.

I don't know the bishop. I know his daughters, who are all stuck up. I know that my 16 year old sister doesn't like him, but she doesn't like anyone who tells her what to do. I know that he is a pharmacist. I know that he is at the church every night, and all day Sunday.

Finally, it is my turn. The bishop is running late, so I am going to have to beg a ride home again. The office is small and cheerless, dominated by an enormous dark desk flanked by two tall file cabinets. I imagine him at the grocery store, looking down on people from the pharmacy. He is looking down on me now over his wire glasses. I sit in the chair in front of his desk, my feet not touching the mauve carpet.

He asks me to offer an opening prayer. I say something banal about getting home in safety. As he starts the interview, I can see his impossibly long legs splayed under the desk, his suit pants just a little too short. As he fixes his gaze on me, I remember all the stories I know about the power of discernment, and how god tells the bishop if you lie. Lying to the bishop is lying to god himself. The bishop is your friend. I squirm uncomfortably.

The questions start out simply enough. Do you believe in god, and his son jesus christ? Do you believe that Joseph Smith restored the one true church to the earth? Do you sustain your priesthood leaders? Yes, yes, yes.

Then came the serious questions: do you obey the commandments? do you follow the word of wisdom? do you obey the law of chastity? I remember lessons about moral purity in things like petting and necking. I wonder what pleasure is derived from putting your necks together. I say I keep the law of chastity. I'd know if I were petting, right?

I hope desperately that he won't ask about touching myself, which I definitely do. I have heard that he only asks the boys. He doesn't ask me directly, but he looks at me severely: if there is anything you need to repent of, confession to the bishop is a necessary part of the repentance process. Do you know the steps of repentance? I force a smile, repeating the steps, and wonder again about the discernment.

He says the closing prayer, blessing that I will be diligent and obedient. I walk back into the hall with his signature, my pass into the temple, into the house of the lord. No unclean thing can enter.

I wonder fervently if I am unclean. I don't know the word masturbation, but I know from the lessons in church that I am doing wrong. I wonder if repenting to god is enough, but I keep running into the correct, true list of repentance:
1. Sorrow
2. Confession
3. Ask forgiveness
4. Restitution
5. Promise to never do it again
I confessed to god, but it is clear at church that confession is to the bishop. I ask god but the heavens are silent.

If you repent, but do it again, failing in step 5, all those past sins you confessed for come back. I always fail at step 2 and 5. But I dread not being able to take the sacrament. My whole family would know. I dread the public shame and resolve, again, to keep my hands off myself, and contemplate how many sins have come back to me at my last slip up. Rumor had it that the temple workers had the power of discernment as well. I hope I won't get kicked out. Six months to my birthday and the next worthiness interview.

D. Michael Quinn

I have been reading Quinn lately. The first book of his I read was Mormonism and the Magic World View, which is a great read, but very DENSE (and I have a graduate degree in literature). His information is well documented and exhaustive.

Quinn begins every book by revealing his bias. He was excommunicated some years back (he says it was for homosexuality, but it is no secret that he and the leaders of the church were at odds for a long time about his published work-- his work that held academic honesty above faithful history). He states, and the beginning of each book, that he is still a believer; that his studies in history have only reinforced to him that men are fallible; that other religions have similarly pocked histories; that he is not welcome in the church, but he'd like to be. Even knowing all that he knows about the church, even knowing about its obfuscating the truth, knowing every document that the church changes for purposes of protecting the faithful and lying for the lord, Quinn still believes. He similarly asks his readers to look on the history of the church with an eye of understanding, maintaining that you can keep your faith, that there is faith to be found.

This kind of stuff makes me all warm and fuzzy, it really does. It makes me want to meet Quinn to tell him what a great guy I think he is. It makes me feel well about all the "lies" I was told in the interest of a faithful history because my leaders didn't know any better. It makes me like the church despite of what it does to improve on the truth. It's the same feeling I get looking at those who stay in the church because they see the good, all those seminary teachers or sunday school teachers who will go against the grain to make you think. My BYU professor who risked discipline for teaching us gender studies and queer theory in a lit class, because he thought it was important. I think it takes courage and understanding, both of which are not native to me.

Here's my problem with it tho, and I think I've said it before: the church LIES about it. I don't care how they couch it in terms of milk before meat, in terms of preserving testimonies rather than destroying them, in terms of "well, no one really knows what went on in history anyway," in terms of lying for the lord, in terms of line upon line and precept on precept. The church's editing of history is well documented; it is prevalent. It is EVERYWHERE. And to those who expose the truth, they are PUNISHED. This is not like a slap on the hand; this is ripping people's lives apart, excommunicating them which is the same as spiritual death, the worst thing that could happen to a person in that theology.

The church is actively and constantly hiding its history. Fawn Brodie wrote a book that was historical accurate and not always favorable to Joseph Smith. And now the archives are closed. With each passing year of analysis, information gets more and more inaccessible.

There is something to be said for honesty, for transparency. This is like being in a relationship with an individual who lied about all their past sexual relationships, all their run ins with the law, all their crazy family history. And then got mad and yelled at you when you said, "Really?"

There is something to be said for "Here's the truth. There are good things and bad things, like with life. We apologize where we've been wrong. We admire those who pointed our errors out to us. Take it or leave it."

That's what historians like Quinn do; that's what new order mormons do. But it is not enough, it is not right, until the church stops punishing those who seek after the truth.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Thomas Monson... again

Heart is full, conference is great. We are so blessed to listen to prophets. We are more determined to live the gospel. Thanks for being here and speaking and singing. Yay musical talents! My soul delighteth in the song of righteous, and we will be blessed. We will remember this forever, and it will be printed in the Ensign. Study the message, then apply them in your life (but members aren't required to follow the prophet, right).

We love the apostles. Aren't we great? Aren't we committed? Aren't we leading the church well? Aren't the leaders of the church (all men) great? Women aren't even mentioned AT ALL. We are apparently not thanking any of them.

May we strive to live closer to the lord. Pray always. Love your children, pray for them so they will withstand evils of world, that they will grow in faith. Hopefully, they will be mormons. Kids, tell your parents you love them. A word of caution: we live at a time when the adversary is using everything to snare us in his web of deceit to take us down. Bad pathways lead to destruction. Things can be used for good or evil. Internet has PORN. Stay away from the internet, unless it's the church's website of priceless resources. But holy shit there are people using the internet for evil. PORN. Stay away from porn; it destroys the spirit. Everyone everywhere, but especially the young people, stay away from porn. Don't become trapped. The internet is for porn. If you have looked at porn, stop it. Get help, go to your bishop. Change your life. Go back to the straight and narrow. Chose today who you will serve, as for me, I will serve the lord.

We have built temples, and we're gonna keep doing it. Go to the temple for peace. Be dedicated to gospel and temple. We are so privileged. We can be sanctified there. The greatest service is temple work. We don't know who they are, but they would thank us. We are saviors on Mt. zion. Savior gave his life, just like we do in the temple for those who can't be saved without us. We do humanitarian work for you, even if you are not a mormon. Go Restoration! Go blessings for me! Go blessed people. We have knowledge that god lives. May you always nourish your testimony for protection. I am your servant, and I just wanna serve you and god. Let's go home safe. Love ya! Remember me in your prayers. May the lord bless us.


Tom Perry

Story about driving accident. How did that sheep get up on the mountain? Weird.

As members of the church, sometimes we are missing in action. There is no substitute for members spreading the gospel. Members must spread the gospel because it works. We must be member missionaries. Missionaries can't do it alone, but they are not as successful as members. It is our JOB to spread the gospel. We know who is lost from the church.

Three objectives for us to spread the gospel to those who NEED OUR HELP. GOOD GOD, HELP THE LESS ACTIVE!!! Warn your neighbor. Ward missions are the greatest. Half of the people in the US and Canada don't know about the mormons. Craziness. Non members interacting with faithful members have accurate info about the church, and people have a positive attitude about mormons. Mormons teach and preach and are the best ever, but our missionaries spend time finding people instead of teaching. They are underutilized because we don't find enough people. Why aren't we helping. We are missing golden opportunities to grow the church. We should be earnest in bringing the light of the gospel to everyone searching.

People are scared for their families and changing values. We should invite them to come with us. The lord's gospel is on earth and will bless lives. Gospel is centered on atonement (I thought it was on Joseph Smith and BoM). Only those in the gospel can be saved thru faith and repentance and holy ghost and enduring. All mankind is invited to be rescued and join us. Missionary message is strengthen by restoration. We have a living prophet. We have the priesthood. All of us need to teach this message to everyone. We must spread the holy ghost like a deadly virus. We have to testify and warn our neighbors.

Missionary work is the responsibility of each of us. Open our mouths. The field is white. THRUST in your sickle ;) Open your mouth, open your mouth, open your mouth. (I think I just made that dirty) God is with us. Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Here's what you should say: declare belief in christ, enjoy gift of eternal life. Tell the story of the first vision (which version again? did Smith see Moroni or god? How old was he again?). Oh, and testify of the Book of Mormon, how it's way better than the bible. The BoM is convincing evidence that Joseph Smith is a prophet of god (snicker snicker). If the BOM is true, then Smith restored the truth of god.

Shepherd destroys wolves. Listen to the shepherd. We are sheep, follow the good shepherd. We are all like that trapped ewe. Ewe are trapped without god saving you. God will look for ewe. Beware inactive members because we will find ewe. Probably with homemade cookies on your doorstep and clever sayings designed to draw ewe back to church. How can ewe resist? Ewe cannot rescue yourself. Wouldn't ewe hate to be lost? Find the sheep!

We are god's children. Be a member missionary. If you bring people back to god, you will be happy. Bring people back. Where are the people. Find them and bring them back to church.


Michael Watson

Farm story. It is hard to find the way, but we should trust in the wisdom of others. Give up the reins to your own life to those who OBVIOUSLY know better than you. We can be guided by prophets and scriptures. The word of god guards against deceptions. The prophets proclaim the truth. Search the D&C because it will all be fulfilled. THE LORD HAS SPOKEN. Prophets are the same as god. Picture montage of prophets.

God's word shall not pass away but will all be fulfilled. General conferences should be followed, be strong, never give up, endure.

Counsel of god:
Question is asked, answer given, promised blessing.
Give heed to prophets. You might not like it. It doesn't matter if it contradicts what you think, you should still follow god and he will bless you. Follow the prophets.
The prophets say follow the prophets. Well then, we should totally do it!
Inappropriate literature is wrong. Prophets are not men just guessing.
There is a miracle of forgiveness and god will forgive.
Brethren take turns praying. Book of mormon is the most correct, and will bring man nearer to god than any other book. Look unto Jesus and endure to the end.
Live with ever more attention to the life of Jesus. Go to the temple for covenants. Be temple worthy.
Joseph Smith was great prophet and saw first vision, and received answers from god. Temples are important.

Monson has re-emphasized that the human family depends on the mormons. We sustain Monson, and he is resounding voice to widow. He exemplifies the pattern of the LIFE OF CHRIST. Monson is lord's mouthpiece. FOLLOW HIM. God speaks thru his prophets. Lord reveals secrets to prophets.


Jose Teixeira

Another non-white guy speaking. We are truly a universal church.

God's work is to bring about immortality and eternal life of man. God has given us gifts to help us. Spiritual gifts are blessings and abilities to help us navigate our lives towards eternity. As long as we comply and repent, we can be forgiven. We can succeed and live with god again. We are not alone.

Choice is a gift that can transform our lives. We should choose wisely. God will not stop us from choosing wrong. That which is of god will make us want to do good, everything else is bad. We should do good CONTINUALLY. Our free agency must be used well.

GPS navigates us like god does. Oooo, this guy is PORTUGUESE. Our church is STRONG in Europe! It is hard to navigate the stormy seas of this life, but with GPS we have simultaneous answers. How is our spiritual GPS? It also has a warning voice. It takes time to reconnect with god. We can always know right from wrong, it is a natural capacity. Holy ghost can become useless if we sin. Our lives depend upon the decisions we make. Good choices lead to happiness, while wrong choices drag us down to sadness. We can choose to be more like god and inherit promised blessings.

Another gift is the capacity to believe others. God reveals plan to the prophet. People who follow prophets receive blessings. WE CAN ALWAYS TRUST THE PROPHETS. Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, follow the prophet. We get direction by following the prophet. We should follow the prophet.

God is mindful and communicates with prophets to guide us. Our testimony will be stronger if we follow the prophet. We can reach our eternal destiny. We have been taught by follow the prophet, he guides us. Abide by the teachings, obey so that we can make good choices.


Gary Stevenson

Story about the farm. We are never lost when we can see the temple.

Temple will provide direction for you and your family. It will help you not get lost in mists of darkness. King Benjamin said that doors of your tent should be toward the temple. We must follow prophets wards to face temple. Visit the temple more often, replace leisure activities with temple service. Live worthy to attend the temple, even young people. Young children should go visit so they can TOUCH the temple. If we touch it, it will touch us (good touches, presumably).

Temple defined in bible dictionary: most holy, only home is comparable in sacredness. Our homes should be a house of the lord. Take a virtual tour of your home. Let's all close our eyes and do that. Blah blah, refuge, home, temple... images. Our homes should be like the temple. Are we embarrassed about anything INAPPROPRIATE? Good god, I hope not. Do we have outward signs of righteousness like pictures and music and scriptures so that we can show everyone else how righteous we are. Are you righteous?

The lord has established standards. We should establish standards so our homes can be temples, and so that we can push young members further and further away. The hemorrhage of young mormons must continue. Eternal nature of family linked to the temple. Ordinances of temple make our families eternal. Say the word temple over and over again so that we can be more righteous. Add holy temple, so that it can always be capitalized. Home holy temple home holy home temple. Holy temple home, batman!

I love to see the temple, I'm going there some day. I will prepare myself while I am young, this is my sacred duty. I will promise to obey, a family is forever.... primary song. Temples unite families and link us forever into exaltation. temple holy home temple home holy holy holy temple holy home.

You are never lost when you can see the temple. Living prophets are great!


David Bednar

Preparing for temple service should be central. Teach relentlessly about temple and the importance. We need everyone to go to the temple all the time. Use frequently your temple recommend.

Holy ghost bears witness of truth. Joseph Smith said that our purpose is to build temples so that we may attain highest ordinances (cough polygamy cough). We must gather everyone to the temples to be saved and not wasted. When we baptize, our eyes should be on the temple. Everyone baptized needs to go to temple, which is the most important, otherwise people are wasted.

We do not witness that we take upon us the name of christ in the sacrament. We witness to our willingness. Something else must happen before we take his name upon us. Baptism contemplates the temple. Temples are houses built unto god's name. Temples arm us with power of god. Everything leads to temple, and we pledge to keep his commandments so that we can go to the temple. temple temple temple TEMPLETEMPLETEMPLE!!!

Power of godliness in temple, blah blah blah, power of god, blah blah priesthood.

Look how many temples we have! Satan is mad! We have opposition from enemies of the church from temple building. We have had this antagonism before. Why do people fight against us? The bells of hell are ringing against us, tribes of hell are against us, but we are victorious. Faithful saints are STRENGTHENED by adversity because we are under promise of the lord. Nothing can stop us now. Take that, devil!

What do we learn from temple presidents? The protection available thru our temple covenants. We must make ACCEPTABLE offering of temple attendance. If we rush thru, it is not the same. No weapon forged against god can prosper, wicked are weak, faithful saints are supermen, blah blah. If you smite the righteous, god's gonna get you. Saints will be delivered.

The adversary will rage, but if we go to temple to get name and standing, we will be protected for all eternity. This will save your family. Satan will try to thwart us because he is JEALOUS of lord's house and our blessings. Lucifer hates that.

Temple encourages us to help others. Just look at the history of Brigham Young being a bastard... I mean, directing others to help the needy, but profiting himself. Take courage because god is on our side. Temples are everywhere, be edified and take refuge. God will gather his people in temples (then maybe the temples will take off like rockets to heaven).

Please, young people, go to the temple. Individuals within the sound of his voice that have not gone to temple. FOR SHAME! Make preparations so that you can go to the temple, and don't let those dumb things like THINKING stand in the way of going to the temple. What about those who haven't returned to the temple? Repent and go to the temple. Do you hold a recommend? You should! Fire of covenant will burn in the hearts of faithful. You must hold name and standing in lord's holy house. Lord directs us, and directs his anointed servants.


Dallin Oaks

Mormons are unique in their selfless service through missions. Aren't we special. Older couples go to serve strangers, young men and women delay work and education to serve. This is unselfish service, and so is temple work. The same unselfish service is given in our stakes and wards and branches. ALL are uncompensated.

It's not easy to give up our personal desires. A young missionary wrote home, saying he was wasting his time. His father said, "forget yourself, and go to work." Lose yourself in the lord's service. He who serves others grows and blossoms. BYU student days should include service to others. Jesus was characterized by service. How many people have you helped. You can't love the lord until you serve him by serving his people.

Another way of serving is the sacrifice that parents make for children. Fathers and mothers adjust their lives to serve. In today's world, this gap is widening. Some people chose pets instead of children. We are glad that LDS couples can serve the lord by bearing and rearing children. We don't ask "what's in it for me?" Unselfish service. We don't want to give into worldly ways.

Latter day saints are uniquely committed to service. We sacrifice and consecrate our time and talents for others. Mormons are also renowned for their ability to work with others. We have unselfish cooperation for the common good: helping hands.

In recent elections, LDS has defended marriage by INFRINGING ON THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. Isn't it wonderful? Isn't it marvelous. Latter day saints are in great demand for high skills and unselfish sacrifice.

Members are willing to sacrifice because of our effective church organization or what outsiders MISTAKENLY call blind obedience, but that is not the reason. Our skills come from our faith in the lord jesus christ and our covenants. Unfortunately some latter day saints fix their priorities on the standards and values of the lord. Satan wants to sift us like wheat. We who follow Jesus should be precious and different. We shouldn't fear man more than god. We shouldn't want praise of the world. We establish the lord's standards, not to follow the world's. We have a different destiny and obligation, and must fit ourselves to it.

Immodest dress, you can't be a life saver if you look like all the other swimmers on the beach. When we seek praise of world we are rejecting saviors teaching. Fall of man had to do with BEING LIKE GODS which is exactly what the mormon church teaches. Arrogance is suffering. There is nothing other than god which will make us happy.

A selfish person is more interested than pleasing man, esp himself, than pleasing god. Such a person is disconnected from covenant promises from god. In contrast, if we love and serve, we remain connected to covenants. Sacrifice is now out of fashion. This is the ME generation; what's in it for me? Entitlement is WRONG, feeling like you are owed something. Entitlement is selfish. We shouldn't seek to elevate ourselves because it separates us. Blessings are contingent upon obedience.

Greed is evident in multimillion bonus of corporations. It also caused widespread borrowing and consumerism. Gambling too is ruining the world.

Values of the world teach it's all about me, which is contrary to eternal progress, contrary to Jesus' plan. We should be all about what we can become: gods! Mother Teresa was selfless. Lose our lives in service to others.

We should apply this in our attitude of attending church. All the excuses for not attending service are selfish and retards spiritual growth. Not going to church is SELFISH. We should go to church each week to make a positive difference in people's life. Any lack of commitment in going to church, or thinking the church does not fulfill our needs, or that we do not like the people at church is selfish and wrong and evil and all your fault.


Young women theme

I have an ongoing series about the young women values, but I have not actually introduced the topic. Bad writer, bad bad. So, the mormon church is enamored of lists, especially for the young people. You have lists of goals to do, goals accomplished, all carefully correlated and neatly packaged. You have lists of tasks:
Sunday meetings 3-5 hours
Wednesday mutual 2 hours
Friday dances 3 hours
Firesides 2 hours
You have lists that you write for qualities you want in your eternal companion, topped by a strong testimony in the church and a willingness to follow the prophet. Lists all provide information about eternal progression but cannot measure or dictate internal spirituality. However, these lists are for everyone. Everyone must do the same things in the right order to be saved.

One of those lists is the young women's theme, chanted every week in wards throughout the world. The fact that it is chanted, not read, takes away the need or ability to think about it or analyze it. All the young women, ages 12-18, stand together, and repeat together the theme. This next bit is taken from the church's website:

Young Women Theme

The Young Women theme helps each young woman understand her identity, purpose, and destiny as a daughter of God. Young women and their leaders repeat the theme during Sunday opening exercises and at other Young Women gatherings. Additional words or themes repeated in conjunction with the theme are not necessary or appropriate.

We are daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and we love Him.
We will "stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things,
and in all places" (Mosiah 18:9) as we strive to live
the Young Women values, which are:
Divine Nature
Individual Worth
Choice and Accountability
Good Works
Integrity and
We believe as we come to accept and act upon these values,
we will be prepared to strengthen home and family, make and keep sacred covenants,
receive the ordinances of the temple, and enjoy the blessings of exaltation.

Notice the church's own preface says that additions are not necessary and should not be a part of it. My young women's posts are taking each of these values, and the new one virtue, and examining what young women are being taught and how I think these values are destructive in the lives of the members.

Retrospectively, the chanting of the theme really creeps me out. I remember that I had it memorized before I even went to young women's. My older sister had a poster of it in her room, and I would lay on her bed, and look at the poster from my unique-upside-down angle and read it over and over. When I finally went to young women's I didn't need to read it, I never tripped up. I repeated it loudly and proudly, pausing and breathing at all the right moments.

Now I see that chanting impedes thought. Rote learning and memorization has nothing to do with analysis, with critical thinking. And chanting also reinforces group think and conformity. If someone is off step with the repetition, the overwhelming majority will get them back on track. When you chant, you breathe in unison. There is a tug, a cadence, a pattern, and you are in line with it, or you don't exist. Dissenting voices cannot be heard (which seems to be an overarching theme of the church itself).

The conformity, the group identity is reinforced by the words themselves. WE are daughters (collective we. No individual relationship sought or condoned. Daughters collective, also presents women in a subservient role as both woman and child) of our heavenly father (not only an authority in the family, but a cosmic authority) who loves us and we love him (ethos argument, appeal to emotions. This is how you interpret the religion, spirituality through emotions, what feels right) We will (firm future, collective backed up by other mormons) stand as witnesses of god (other witnesses from the book of mormon. The job description of witnesses seems heavy, but in practice, there is equivocation. The "witnesses" of the book of mormon and the gold plates said they saw a vision with their spiritual eyes. How much of a witness is that? Members believe that the prophet talks with god face to face, but the present prophets never say that, equivocating under the guise of "it's too sacred to talk about," the same equivocation that makes the masonic temple rites secret. Prophet's witness of god is no more than the testimony warm fuzzy feelings of the average member) at all times and in all things and in all places (by quoting scripture here, you are invoking a deity. It is the fallacy of authority. Perfection is expected and there is no room for failure. Expectations are all encompassing. Members are commanded not to equivocate) as we strive (again with the collective effort, collective salvation. I remember a lesson that pictured members of the church as mountain climbers tied together: one falls, we all fall. We can't go on with inactives. We are saved together. Reactivation of failing members, hunting down those who have strayed is absolutely necessary) to live the young women values (internalization, everything at church must be followed. Young women values should become an active part of your life, something not just repeated, but lived).

Thomas Monson

Express love, and humbled by opportunity to address us. In the last six months, there have been signs of bad things, economy is worse, financial outlook is grim. Moral footings of society continue to slip. People who are moral are ridiculed. Wars, natural disasters, misfortune.. it is easy to become cynical or fearful. If we dwell on only what is wrong, we are screwed.

Let's focus on our blessings as members of the church. God hath given us the spirit of power and love, not fear. No one makes it thru life without problems. We are here to learn and grow from such events. We will suffer and grieve, but adam fell that men might be and men are that they might have joy.

How can we be of good cheer? Lord will stand by us. History of the church in this dispensation has lots of experiences of those who struggled but remained steadfast by making gospel central. This will pull us through. It will enable us to meet our challenges, emerge victorious.

We face difficulties, but faith will prevail. Gospel gives us strength. Three examples of faith.

His ancestors listened to missionaries, and they were converted. Story story. Blah blah. Gathered to Zion, sold everything, came to US. Son became sick on journey, it was hard. Son died because they decided to come to zion, bu they had faith in gospel. Your children are not as important as following the prophet. Be happy cuz god has overcome the world. Aren't we happy that our ancestors came to zion and followed prophet. Let's all thank god.

Second story about a pacific island. Story story, blah blah. Blindy McGee, depression until he learned about the gospel. If you bring your life into compliance with church, you will have joy. Sacrifice for blessings of priesthood. You shouldn't care what god does, as long as it is his decision. Light of our life should be the gospel. We won't walk in darkness if we follow god; we are not alone. Hand of god is most safe.

Third story about Prussia. Story story, blah blah, Ezra Benson, tour of europe to visit LDS there. Sacrifice, story, blah blah. Faith in god and in gospel of LDS church. Struggle, fear, story story. Child died. But as long as we have faith in the church and follow the prophet, we will press on. Keep obeying. Then another child died, and she dug a grave. But still she obeyed. Wait, there goes another kid. But we are following the prophet. Now baby is dead. Tug at our heart strings. She lost whole family, every child, all her things. But GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY. We must still be grateful to and praise god. Jesus suffered way more than we have, eternal life, blah blah. But she reached the church, her destination. She was starving, but bore testimony that she was happiest because Jesus died for us. She knew that if she was faithful and obeyed, she could go to celestial kingdom. Story story, blah blah. If you endure, you will inherit kingdom of god. You will have joy.

Monson says that we will have measureless blessings. As long as we remain true to the gospel, we will be comforted and joyful. Keep the commandments. Nothing in this world can defeat us. Fear not, the future is as bright as your faith. God answers prayers. Christ redeemer.


Jeffrey Holland

Message intended for everyone, but directed to those who are alone or abandoned. Those longing to be married, or those without spouse or children. Savior shouldered the burden of salvation alone too. Life of Jesus was way worse, we cannot complain.

Judas betrayed him for 30 pieces of silver. Story story, blah blah. Could ye not watch with me one hour. Story story, blah blah. Read new testament. Crucifixion. Divine withdrawal, my god, why hasn't thou forsaken me? Died spiritually and physically so he would know what it was like for us. Story story, blah blah.

I guess I am really an apostate when stories of Jesus don't move me. Like, not even a little bit. God will always be with us; yeah, so what? No one was there to help or uphold him; meh.

We are never alone cuz christ atonement. We will not be comfortless. Father and Jesus will abide with us.

These scenes of christ's lonely sacrifice must never be reenacted by us. Jesus should not walk alone again, he shouldn't have to confront sin without aid. He should not see unresponsive onlookers. Hey, maybe they are talking about MY indifference. Kick ass!

May we stand by Jesus in all times/things/places, just like the young women's theme. He has stood by us.


Barbara Thompson

Be fixed in your purpose, for satan will try you. Jesus is nigh you, his arm is sufficient tho demons suppose. No matter what happens, Jesus can save. We can gain eternal life.

Increase in faith, strengthen families, serve god's children. Satan will tempt and try us, but lord will strengthen us. Jesus loves us, we are children of god. Mormons always know this. Only thru christ can we be saved. We have to pray always. We must go to temple. Different family situations. We have children, or not have children. No mention of homosexuality or deviation within the proper mold.

We can strengthen families by holding fast to the iron rod. The word of god will keep us safe. We must always be faithful. Pray together, brainwash 4 year olds into belief. We must serve each other.

Wards help and serve each other. Visiting teachers, high priests, go serve each other.

Steven Snow

We too need to get on with our lives. We don't seek or welcome dramatic change, but change comes. It is natural as we make our way thru our journey. Too often we are reluctant to enter the next stage because we are fearful or lack faith. How can we best prepare for change?

First, follow the prophets. Listen to and abide by their counsel. They provide advice to help us through. It is the same from the prophets or GOD. Prophets speak for god. Follow the prophet (so what is this, speaking as a man bullshit???).

Second, keep an eternal perspective. Change and challenge is a part of gods plan. This is a test, this is only a test. We will see if we will follow god. It needs be that there is options, otherwise there would be nothing, except a sucking black hole. We will grow as we make righteous decisions.

Third, have faith. Move forward daily with faith. Dread can creep into our hearts, but faith and doubt cannot coexist, for one will dispel the other. We must exercise faith, it is how we learn and progress.

Fourth, be of good cheer. It is easy to feel despondent and forgotten. God is with us and will not forsake us. The next time you are tempted to groan, you might try to laugh instead. A good sense of humor can soften the bumps.

Every worthy young adult knows the importance of choosing a spouse. Because that is the most important thing in a singles life.

How do we deal with unexpected setbacks? See the list above.

Pioneers are example. They created new life out of nothing, but gradually things improved. Ups and downs in their lives. The saint went on a mission; I wonder if it was to find more places to practice polygamy. He was called on another mission to the south. Robert Gardner Jr. accepted calls even when it is not convenient. We should all accept calls, and be inspired by stories like that.


Neil Anderson

He knows that Jesus is the Christ. There is no man with more love than Thomas Monson. His love is like the sunshine at midday (kinda creepy). Love from lord and prophet as he was called. The lord will shape the back to fit the burden laid upon it. We are all nobodies. If you ever forget it, the lord will remind you of it instantly, and it won't be pleasant.

How wonderful you are, the great family of believers in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. The lord has blessed his family. Never have I seen any personal positioning, any pursuit of power. They just love Jesus. (Oh, yeah. They get no money, no compensation. I remember. We are not supposed to know about them getting paid for their position. The one true church is not supposed to have paid clergy. Are the members of the quorum of the twelve really not in it for the fame or adoration?)

These are the last days, the days of the gathering. The voice of the lord will go to the whole earth. We are blessed to bring the gospel to others. Purpose of restoration is to be a light to the world and a standard to the people. Our responsibility is not trivial, we have to keep covenants as a badge of honor. Modern day pioneers who have heard the voice of the lord, and follow the gospel. They are willing to sacrifice for what is right and true. They are holding steady in their course toward eternal life.

We are not alone in our desire to do good. There are good people in other faiths. Father loves all of his children. We must not shrink from what is uniquely found. Only here is the priesthood of god, the Book of Mormon, prophets of god to bring guidance from heaven, the sealing power. We should not feel superior, but should make us more humble to plead for the lord helps. We should not be timid in remembering that this is lords church and nothing shall overthrow it.

We proclaim our savior and redeemer and we owe him everything. He asks us to come unto him. Believers shall live, apostates shall die, etc etc. Monson is a prophet.


Deiter Uchtdorf

Uchtdorf is the only member of the quorum of the twelve who is not from the American west, Utah or Idaho. His accent is fun to listen to, and my brother thinks he's a bit of a new order mormon. He certainly has a lot more energy than the members of the quorum who are 80 and 90 and have one foot in the grave. He also seems to talk more about Jesus than the others. It actually sounds like a christian topic.

Jesus gave us his gospel, the key of knowledge, atonement, hope, joy, confidence, even in peril and sorrow and uncertainty. People are worried about the future and their livelihood. There is personal misfortune and sadness. The world is not bashful in offering answers to problems. People run from one idea to the next to answer burning questions of their souls. People are looking for something new; new theories fade, but are replaced by new solutions. These worldly options contain elements of truth, but all fall short of lasting change we seek in our lives. Hollowness remains, we are still looking.

In contrast, the gospel of jesus christ has the answer to all our problems. It is not complicated or hidden. It doesn't come from men at all, springs from creator of universe who knows all truth. Gospel is a divine gift, ultimate formula for joy and success. When we hear gospel, we are happy.

Faith and repentance lead to baptism, where we covenant to follow christ. We want to lead purified and holy life. The baptism of fire, gift of the holy ghost, the comforter. The more we are filled with spirit, the more we extend ourselves to other. We are peacemakers, we help others, having grace and patience. These are the first steps along the true way of life. This is the way of the follower of jesus christ.

This is not a quick fix or an overnight cure. It is hard to keep testimony strong and vibrant. There are things you can do. We have to stay with it, endure. Apply and reapply the divine gospel principles, make them part of our normal life. It grows like a plant. Alma compared the word of god to a seed, and it grows gradually. We must have patience and be diligence. We can tell the seed is good because it grows. We cannot receive fullness of blessings if we neglect the tree. Seed must be nourished with great care. Only then can we partake of the fruit that is perfect and pure.

Walk the path of discipleship. It is our willingness to accept gods will. It is not enough to speak of Jesus Christ, we can't just surround ourselves with symbols of religion, it is not a spectator sport. It is not enough to watch. We have to do, it's not a second hand religion. We can't just observe the good that others do.

First step is right here. We don't have to prequalify to take that first step. You don't have to be educated or perfect or well mannered. We can walk this path of discipleship today. Express our desire to be close to god. Serve the lord by serving others. Actively participate in your ward. Contribute to your family. Have a temple recommend, read the scriptures, have Family Home Evening. Be grateful for restoration, book of mormon, priesthood.

Those who have left the path can come back. It is always right and the right time; it is never too late. You are not inadequate for not being BIC. Lord needs your abilities. The church needs you. Let us remember on this palm sunday that the gospel has the power to fill any emptiness, heal any wound. It is hope and faith and trust in the lord.

Church has the fullness of the gospel, to face the challenges of our day. Jesus lives.

Editor's note: you know, I don't really have problems with this talk. If you want to talk about Jesus, that's better than worshiping Smith.

April Conference

For those who don't catch on so quick, my posts yesterday and today are notes from listening to the General Conference for the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. My notes include what the speakers say, and also clarification from me.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Young women values part 2: Divine nature

Mormons are told that they are children of their father in heaven, that they are the most righteous children of heavenly father. They are told that they have the ability, nay the responsibility, to become like him. Mormons are "gods in embryo," and thru righteousness, they can expand in power and glory until they become gods.

With girls, it is a little different. Girls are divine too, have the ability to become... well... hmm... There is a heavenly mother, but girls are not encouraged to be like her. Girls are not encouraged, and actively discouraged, from learning, talking, feeling about her. Heavenly mother is apparently too holy, to sacred, to be sullied by our words or touch. God loves his wife (wives?) so much that he won't even allow us to speak her name.

It is also the consensus that the power of god is the priesthood, that it will be the men off creating worlds, setting new tests for their new worlds, sacrificing an innocent son after the perfect pattern of Jesus Christ, sending plagues and sufferings, teaching their children a lesson, cultivating someone to play devil so that righteous purposes can be brought about.

Women, the ruling queens, the goddesses, will be with their sister wives (the first 5 prophets of the church said that you have to have at least 3 wives to get into heaven. It is what "celestial marriage" and the temple and the garment is all about. How can we trust Joseph Smith on everything else but disregard everything he taught about polygamy?) having endless babies. After all, those spirit babies don't incubate themselves.

So, a girl's divine nature is to be silent, child-bearing, and her own children cannot even SPEAK of her, on pain of excommunication.

Thomas Monson

We mourn Worthlin has died, but he is carrying on work from other side of the veil. We have called Neil Anderson to fill vacancy in quorum of 12 apostles. Thank you for sustaining vote. Anderson takes his place with 12 on the stand. Excitement joy joy.

Monson traveled to Mexico to rededicate renovated temple. Event in Aztec stadium. 80k spectators. 80 minute display of music and dance. We were filled with spirit of the lord.

Draper temple in south salt lake valley. 600k visited the temple. 335k at dedication. Such a big church. Spirit of the lord was there. We will dedicate Oquirrh temple. We look forward to temple dedication because we can reevaluate our own performance. We can do better.

The church is doing very well. Work of the lord is moving forward. 53k missionaries. We are teaching all nations and baptizing them. We are grateful for missionaries and for their sacrifices to serve. We have volunteers in non-proselyting who further the work of the lord. We are thankful for free service. Perpetual education fund is moving forward. 35k in program to train to improve their skills. 18k have finished. They now increase their income by 3 or 4 times. What a blessing. Program is inspired.

Thank you for your faith and devotion, for your service in wards. It is service that allows lord to accomplish his purpose. Thank you for kindness to Monson and for your prayers. He feels your prayers.

Now we are anxious to listen to message so we can be taught and inspired and have determination to live the gospel. Speakers have sought heaven's help as they give their message.

Russell Nelson

Call to apostleship comes from the lord. Prophet submits to lord. Has power. Our prayers follow patter of Christ. We learned how to pray from him. Lessons from lord's prayer.

Lord's prayer is twice in NT, and once in BoM. Clarification, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who... suffer us not TO BE LEAD into temptation. If you forgive others, lord will forgive us. God wouldn't lead us into temptation.

Hallowed be thy name... reverence. Thy will be done. Daily bread, we need spiritual nourishment from the bread of life. He who comes to Jesus will never hunger. We must take sacrament worthily. Spiritual sustenance from sacrament. Acknowledge gods power. Amen solemnly affirms prayer. Audible amen is solemn declaration. Avoid vain repetition, follow the pattern, but don't memorize and recite. Pray for god's help as we strive to live righteous.

Prayer of intersession, for his disciples. John 17 prayer: lifted eyes to heaven, father, glorify thy son, so I can glorify you. I have finished the work. They have received the word. They have believed in my divinity. I pray for them.

We learn how keenly Jesus feels his role as advocate. We should feel responsibility to obey and endure. In BoM, people were joyful at hearing Jesus pray. Blessed are ye because of your faith. Now behold my joy is full. Jesus pled for unity. Lack of contention. Jesus must be in us, we must be one. We can pray for unity, one heart, one mind with lord's annointed (apostles). If we really care for others, we should pray for them. James taught that we should pray for each other, cuz prayer availeth much.

You must always pray to father in Jesus' name. Thank you for the holy ghost, pray that we might have holy ghost. We have been given holy ghost because we believe in god. Companionship of the holy ghost is so important we should pray for it. Holy ghost is a vital source of good.

Prayers are enhanced by song or fasting. Plea for wisdom in fasting. There is such a thing as overdoing fasting, so we should be wise about it. We shouldn't do TOO much or unnecessary. Watch the length of prayer, should not be unscheduled sermon. Public prayer should be short supplications or brief declaration of gratitude. Special pronouns. Use respect thee thine thy. Helps us to be humble to enhance our prayers. If you are humble, lord will answer.

Prayer begins with individual initiative. If you hear Jesus' voice and open the door, he will eat with us. We must pray in the name of Jesus. Council with lord in all thy doings. Be full of thanks to god. then we will be lifted up at last day. Don't cease to pray in your heart. We kneel in family prayer, personal prayer, blessings on food. Pray with faith and trust in god. Plead like Jesus that god's will be done.

Jesus is our redeemer. Our will should be swallowed up in the will of the father. Why would you have a will of your own. Glory to god. Thy will be done. Let us pray that lord's kingdom will go forth. Let us apply lessons of lord fervently.


Richard Scott

Temples are great. We have to sacrifice to go to the temple if we are mature. We will be blessed by covenants of temples. Speaking heart to heart, not mincing words. Those who sacrifice to go to temple far away, but when a temple is close, we don't go. Convenient temples aren't attended. Make a plan to go to the temple. Don't allow anything to interfere with going to the temple. We can't take temple for granted. Scott goes to the temple once a week. Oh righteousness righteousness. It will change our lives.

We should participate in all the ordinances, and make goals to go to temple. What could be more important than going to the temple and watching a three hour movie you have seen before, and being washed and anointed on naked parts of your body by an old person. Wait, wait, they took that out of the holy and unchangeable ordinances.

Going to temple will lead to understanding. You must give thanks thru prayer for all the blessing that come from the temple. Remember how much temple means to you. Make time for temple, don't be in a hurry. Participate in ALL ordinances of temple. Take off your watch. LISTEN to the ordinances that you have heard before. Pray that those for whom you are doing the posthumous ordinance for will accept the ordinance even if they were a faithful Jew or Catholic during their life. They NEED TO BE MORMONS.

Sealing is not enduring unless you are worthy. You have to be worthy for blessings. You have to be sealed in the temple as a couple. You can't go to real heaven unless you have new and everlasting covenant of marriage WHICH IS POLYGAMY. Unless you are a polygamist you cannot go to heaven. Look it up, that is what the scripture is about. D&C 132. Spirits are WAITING for us to do their ordinances in the temple. Spirits are in chains if we don't work in temple.

We should be joyous to go to the temple. Polygamous misogynistic bastard Brigham Young had interactions with a woman without marrying her (so they say). I don't believe it. We are god's chosen, and we have joy by embracing gospel.

If someone dies, don't ask why. It's gods will. What does he want us to learn. Don't complain. Thank god. Don't murmur. We have opportunity to overcome. God provides miracles to those who have faith. But even if he doesn't, we should praise god. As long as children are born in covenant, they are saved. Those who are not under the covenant will NOT be with their parents in heaven. Unless you go to the celestial kingdom, you won't be with your family. You can only take comfort if you go to temple and get sealed. Make sure you pay your 10% so you can go to the temple. God is in control. We should never complain if we are living worthily. If we are complaining, it must be because we are not living worthily.

It's difficult to have people die, but I don't complain. We can feel others thru the veil. As long as we keep temple covenants, and live worthy to obtain blessings, we have no reason to worry or feel despondent. Is that another destructive D like from the last talk?

Temple is a blessing. We have sealing authority for the eternities. Lord restored the gospel thru Smith by stealing Masonic rituals. This is the work of the lord. This is his church. 12 apostles are witnesses of god, testify of atonement.


Wait, is this a NON WHITE man speaking?

It is, it is! Wow, the mormon church is so multi cultural. We love people even if they don't speak perfect English and aren't white and delightsome.

Children born under the covenant will be saved. Children not born under the covenant will NOT be with their families forever. Unless you are sealed in the temple, unless you are righteous, you cannot be with your family forever. Blessings are based on righteousness, blessings are not just given, you must earn it.

God is the only source of comfort amidst adversity. Jesus says we shouldn't fear.

Faithful families can deal with bad things happening. We live in a world of loss, but you have to have a good attitude, this is when you need to obey and love and be loyal to god. You have to understand the prophets words. Death is not a tragedy; sin is a tragedy. THIS is why in the famous book "the miracle of forgiveness" Kimball says that a parent would rather see a child DEAD then sexually unclean. God, I hope that all sexually unpure children would commit suicide in the attempt to gain forgiveness, so their parent's wouldn't have to suffer.

Christ suffered agony, so we suffer agony so that we can understand. Christ suffered all Gethsemane. Christ trembled and had unimaginable agony. But we must partake, we must submit to a sadist god. Like Joseph Smith wanted god to come to him, but god comforted him by saying peace: your suffering is a second, but god will exhalt thee. Even tho Smith was in jail for being a lying, pedophiliac, adulterous bastard. But god still comforted him.

As long as you build your house upon a rock, it will not fall. If you hear god's words, but don't follow, then you are an idiot. And your house is on sand. Your house will fall. We will have rain and floods and beatings whether you are righteous or not. We have to face and endure.

Thomas Monson is prophet. We must obey to be blessed and comforted.


Rafael Pino.

Kevin Pearson


The need for faith in our life-- faith is an action, faith is correct understanding, we must obey to have complete TRUST in his SERVANTS. This means that we should have faith in the church leaders. We need to cultivate spiritual gifts, because without faith, we are nothing. Have you taught your children your faith? Faith comes only thru OBEDIENCE. Obey, obey, obey. Righteous, obey, get more faith. More obedient will give you more faith. There is no such thing as relative ethics. We must be EXACTLY obedient in ALL things, including the small, simple things. Holy ghost acts upon the light of christ within us, then we will desire to know. Faith grows as we obey. OBEY, obey, obey. Then we can have belief. Faith is a principle of power thru OBEDIENT behavior. Personal righteousness is a choice, yields spiritual power. You can see it in people's lives. If you don't see it, they must not be righteous. Focus, being steadfast, continually holding fast, obey even amidst the mists of darkness. This is powerful.

Opposition is free will. We can act for ourselves, so that's why satan can tempt us. All things are possible to him that believest. Help thou my unbelief. Fear cannot coexist with faith. Disbelief is destructive. Disbelief will destroy your life. Eliminate sources of doubt. Don't allow doubt to control you. Don't consistently focus on faith-erroding things. That is satan pulling you down.

What are your personal tendecies that are pulling you down. Six destructive Ds. Doubt is evil and bad and wrong and negative, and comes from lack of confidince. Discouragement, decreased effort, weakened desire, not following the spirit. Despair. Distraction is against faith. Satan will use these bad habits. Lack of diligence, the willingness to follow god. Disappointment. This path leads to DISOBEDIENCE. GOOD GOD NOT DISOBEDIENCE. We are all doomed.

We have hardened our hearts, are beyond feeling. We must have faith, we must chose to obey. We need greater spiritual power. Faith brings power from jesus. God lives and loves us as long as we obey. christ will save us if we obey president monson. Because he lives, we can have hope if we have faith and obey. As long as our houses are righteous, and have faith and don't doubt, everything will be sunshine and kittens.


The mormon church DOESN"T teach that other religions are going to hell

So says Quentin Cook. Despite the doctrine that says that mormons will become gods, and that everyone who does not become a god is damned, or stopped in their eternal salvation. Despite the fact that Joseph Smith history says that all other religions are false, that they draw close to god with their lips, but their hearts are far from god. Despite the fact that a protestant minister was portrayed as a servant of satan in the temple ceremony until the 1990s. Despite the fact that mormons are taught that their church is the ONLY true church on the face of the earth, that all other churches are false.

But as the one true church, we are also perfect in our benevolence and courtesy towards all those other wrong minded religions who believe false and silly doctrines. Aren't we so righteous?

Quentin Cook

Stumbling blocks to faith. What a shame that some people don't believe in the truthfulness of the bible. The bible that has been edited and shown to be not a literal history. The bible which is myth and fantasy and allegory and prejudice and metaphorical and ... and ... and...

OF COURSE the bible is not true in the strictest sense of the word. Of course there are people who disbelieve it and don't base their lives on it because they have studied how the bible was created, what things are wrong with the bible. They see how the bible does indeed condemn homosexuality, but it also CONDONES a FATHER allowing his DAUGHTERS TO BE RAPED AND KILLED. Yes, that is just what I want to base my life off of.

What about the book of mormon? I mean, it hasn't been retranslated and changed, right? RIGHT? Well, not exactly. The book of mormon states that black skin is a punishment from god for unrighteousness, and if you are righteous enough, your skin will turn white. It teaches that god thinks killing is ok, as long as you really REALLY need a book. It teaches that submarines predate WWII, indeed, they were contemporary with the tower of babel, as was glass.

So, why don't I base my life and morals and ethics on these inspired writings??? Well, I can't imagine.

The pride cycle

Elder Ballard talks about the pride cycle. I remember learning about this in Sunday school. When we are righteous, we are blessed. When we are blessed, it is with monetary wealth. When we have wealth, we become prideful, then we are punished. Then we repent and are righteous. Then it begins again.

This whole concept is based on a faulty premise that baffles the rest of christianity, a principle that is central to mormon doctrine. Monetary blessings come from righteousness in mormon theology. In the rest of christianity, money is the root of all evil, and Jesus says a rich man has a snowball's chance in hell of getting into heaven.

But in mormonism, it is all different, based, perhaps, on the fact that the founding prophet Joseph Smith was raised a poor boy and always after money. That is completely understandable. I was raised hungry, and what I want in life is stability, a job that pays me money, a bed to sleep in instead of the floor.

Joseph Smith, however, took it a little bit further and made money his goal. He lived off the finances of the church, like Brigham young did after him. Even tho the book of mormon says that Prophets, like King Benjamin, should NOT live off the people. Smith took advantage of the people, lived very well in Navuoo, took advantage of others with the Kirtland bank. Smith didn't even pay for the printing of the Book of Mormon: Martin Harris did that.

Money DOES NOT mean you are blessed of god. Being poor does not mean god is punishing you. However, looking at the make up of the first presidency and the twelve apostles, it is clear that those righteous enough to lead the church are wealthy and white and successful and from Utah. Well, except for Uchdorf, who is white and wealthy and successful and from Germany. What diversity.

Auditing department

I never thought I could be so bugged when I have been out and away from the church for the better part of three years. Unfortunately, conference always brings it out in me.

During conference, we have an unknown man get up and read a letter from the church auditing department. They tell us that this unknown department is independent from all other areas of the church. This mythical auditing department, populated (we are told) with capable and certified individuals, have access to all financial records of the church. (I find this hard to believe since the church hasn't been open with its finances for the better part of a century.) The auditing department has evaluated the finances of the church based on policies that are unknown, and procedures that any member of the church do not have access to.

Why are the church finances all fine and righteous? Because an unseen and unknown "department" of the church tells us so through a letter read in general conference!

Keep in mind that in recent years, the church has done a lot of back peddling, saying "not everything said over the pulpit is doctrine or true." So what is? Reminds me of the song, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the bible tells me so." It stretches credulity to imagine that the only historical record we have of Jesus should be the source of all knowledge. How do we know that Jesus exists? Well, the bible says so! How do we know he died for our sins? The bible says! How do we know the bible is true? Well, silly, the bible tells us it's true!

So, how do we know the church isn't spending BILLIONS of dollars on a fucking MALL in downtown Salt Lake while faithful saints are paying their tithing and going without and suffering in this economic downturn? Well, silly, we know that the church is spending their money righteously because they say so! Well, then, I guess I was stupid to even ask.