Sunday, October 4, 2009

Quentin Cook

Perilous times when people think there is no personal responsiblity, just self gratification and pleasure. In the church, however, we believe we are brother's keeper. Jews got together: 2 different reasons people engage in acts of kindness--right thing to do and others will reciprocate, serve our fellow man because that's what god wants.

LDS undertake welfare because we believe god wants us to do it. Accountability, love god, obedience to the unenforceable. We want to please HF, not because someone forces us to obey. Freedom to chose our course, we are accountable for that agency. Great significance in our doctrine; stewardship not limited to stuff, but bodies, minds families, properties. Looks to poor and needy.

Stewardship of self/families and for poor/needy.

Story of ranch: spring of water. Help grandmother carry water. Grandfather disappointed because spring water was polluted. Violation of trust; he had not protected spring. Virtue and chastity are not safeguarded, morality not respected. Instructed us that the wellspring of life to be kept pure (so, fornication is like cow poo?). Teach god's standard of morality. Impure violates his standard, cannot look upon sin. Some attempt to rationalize away their conduct. What happens in a certain city stays in a certain city. When we realize we are accountable to god... we see rationalizers as little children. We can't fool saviour with rationalization. Thru saviours atonement, all can repent, but it is difficult. He who has repented, the same is forgiven.

Families: physical safety, immerse children in gospel. Religious observance in the home is as important as food, clothing and shelter. Even in difficult economic times, OUR members donate genereously to help poor and needy. Bishop warned him that some members will respond to every call. Sister Sarah who serves (OMG poor old people in the church). See that all these things are done in order... we should be diligent.

Saints all over the church providing christlike service. The church can quietly and quickly and WITHOUT FANFARE (really?) respond to needs. Thou shalt be like a spring of water. Review your stewardships.

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