Saturday, October 3, 2009

Russell Osguthorpe

When he was a mission president, his son had to go save some lives. Saves children from awful diseases. Missionaries save spiritual lives of those they teach. We are saved when we are taught, when we recieve and act upon it. Save lives by sharing the gospel. Teach principles, invite others to use that principle, bear witness of it. Key doctrine, invitation to action, recieve promised blessings. Teaching. No greater call. Prepare to teach, draw upon spirit as you teach.

Lessons on selfless service, invite people to action. close the manual and open eyes, ears and hearts to the message of god. Close the manual and invite others to live the gospel. We don't pour info into members; we want to inspire others to live gospel principles. Moroni taught JS that god had a work for him to do; JS name would be known throughout the world. We are all teaching future leaders of the church, invite learners to do the work god has for you.

We all have a part in the program. He forgot the words for primary programs. When a call comes, YOU ACCEPT IT, no matter how inadequate you feel. Leaders will help you prepare. Teachers can save lives.

Aim High! Stretch yourself, reach higher. Invitation to serve, do better. Teachers should have a work for us to do. We should live gospel principles.

Russell served a mission in Tahiti. Had to learn French and Tahitian. He was on the verge of giving up. Heard a voice, old Tahitian woman. Understood that the old woman wanted to teach hom Tahitian. Their meetings helped him learn the language. She had confidence in him. Taught him the first principle of the gospel: FAITH. You have to rely on the lord. She helped save his mission and his life.

Teach by persuasion, kindness, longsuffering, love, virtue. The HG was with them. Teacher inspires others. Do you prepare then teach. Do you focus on a key doctrine of restoration. HF and savior. When inspiration comes, close manual. Express confidence in them so they can't refuse invitation. Learning and teaching are not optional in kingdom of god. We will gain eternal life, gain a testimony. No one can be saved in ignorance.

JS opened this dispensation, he asked questions, got answers, taught. Monson is lord's mouthpiece. He learns and teaches just like Joseph. Teaching saves lives.

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