Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kent Watson

In response to JS inquiry, no one can help in work unless he's full of love. We must be temperate in all things. What is temperance? Restraint. Refraining from anger, not losing one's temper. Divine attribute of JC, it is a spiritual gift.

Temperance increases strength. Increased spiritual strength has self mastery, control anger, vanity and pride, protect ourselves from addictions, seek peace of mind. Peace of mind and happiness doesn't come from excess. We live in an impatient and intemperate world. It is like the community of religions in JS time. All their good feelings were entirely lost in strife of words and contest about opinions.

We need self control. Peace of mind comes from faith. Happiness comes from obeying commandments. JC was the most temperance. Saviour taugh that we should repent and become as child, come to our brothers, JC's kindness will not depart, be patient in affliction, govern your house in meekness. We can be comforted because JC was afflicted, but opened not his mouth (WTF? WE SHOULDN"T TRY TO CHANGE THINGS?). JC had enough self restraint to think of others. In humility, he said, glory be to the father. Finished preparation unto children of men.

He testifies of gospel to Asia. It is like the first latter-day saints of yesteryear. We are a fraction of 1% of the world population.

Temperence is available to us all.

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