Sunday, November 23, 2008


There was a mormon video made in the late 80s or early 90s. It was a girl having a party. She prepared her immaculate house, and everything was white: white shirt, sofa, walls, floor. When the "wrong" kind of friends show up, they hug her, and leave black tar on her clothing. Everywhere they sit or touch becomes covered in black tar, and the video they put in causes the tar to ooze out of the VCR.

It is a poignant video on not associating with people whose values or belief differ from your own. Just them touching you contaminates you. It is disgusting, and they show this to young teenagers. It is violently graphic, and makes its point clearly: us vs. them.

I think I am recovering. I had a dream about the mormons, and my white coat was completely brown by the time we were through. I think the brainwashing is starting to go away when everything I was taught was good, my subconscious finally starts to realize it is bad.