Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sustaining Vote

I don't know; this always kind of irritates me. It's like the appearance of democracy without the messy fairness of democracy. If the church was really a democracy, there wouldn't be the nepotism. If there was really a democracy, church members would know what happened to their tithing money. Members would be able to VOTE if they wanted THEIR money spent on a mall. Members would be able to turn down callings with impunity, or at least without being chastised by local and general leaders.

I also think it is super lame that general authorities are authorities for life. Old people, senile people, sick, dying, geriatric people should not be leading the church. People without all their faculties. I guess I could say men, not people, because it's not like women are even important enough to mention by name in this kangaroo sustaining vote.

And then they have the gall to thank members for something they have no say in.

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