Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ann Dibb

(is it just me, or does she look fake? And also sound fake. OMG, I would hate her in real life)

Bridge workers in Canada. She is fascinated. They had safety equiptment, but chose not to use it. SHE IS WAY TO HAPPY DESCRIBING THIS SAD STORY. OMG. There are many lessons to be learned from this incident. We feel like we are going through scary times in our lives: loss of employment, disappointments. We may question our abilities in our church and family callings. Dangers that we live with today, INCLUDING SOCIETIES TOLERANCE OF SIN. These are as real as falling to CERTAIN DEATH. My life isn't perfect; we all deal with challenges. It is pretty scary.

Scrirptures talk about oposition. We learn and grow by overcoming. Monson has endless confidence in HF and us. We are entitled to HF blessings. We do not walk alone. We have guidance. He realizes your devotion. HF has not left us alone during mortality. He has given us all safety equipment we need. Prayer, scriptures, prophets, HG. It may seem cumbersome and unfashionable to use these safety measures. We must all chose to use it.

Another key piece of safety: rod of iron. Hold on to it to safely find way to eternal life. Lehi's dream: vision of mortal state and dangers. Mists of darkness, caused many to lose their way. Press forward, catch hold of rod, press their way forward, continually holding fast to rod. Partake the fruit of tree of life. We learn that we must take hold of safety railing. It is beside each individual strait and narrow. Nephi promises that if we hold fast, we will never perish. Adversary cannot overpower us to destruction.

Read again the full accounts of this vision: study and ponder. We are invited to get a grip. We must hold on tight and never let go. It isn't always easy. We may let go because of peer pressure or pride. We are leaving our safety equipment behind. Many can be lost, wandering in strange roads. We may find that we are also wandering in strange roads. It is always possible for us to find our way back through atonement and repentance, recommit to strong grip on iron rod.

Saviour has extended an open invitation to repent, hold on, and don't let go. Exhorts us with all energies of soul: keep his commandments always. Use safety equipment that he has provided us. We are led by living prophet of god. SHE IS HIS FUCKING DAUGHTER??? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? UM< CAN WE SAY NEPOTISM??? I WONDER HOW MUCH THAT POSITION PAYS? Wait, do female positions get paid? I know that priesthood holders do, but maybe that's another measure of the mysogyny. Irritating.


beachlady78 said...

Smiling the whole time when talking about how people hung on for dear life and died.
Nerves or not, that lady's creepy.

Where is Christ in this church?
Also when she asked, what are the things the Lord has given us people to return to him? NOT one mention of Jesus Christ, not one! All tools?

beachlady78 said...

Smiling the whole time when talking about how people hung on for dear life and died.
Nerves or not, that lady's creepy.

Where is Christ in the church?
When she asked, what are the things the Lord has given us people to return to him? NOT one mention of Jesus Christ, not one! All tools?