Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tom Perry

Story about driving accident. How did that sheep get up on the mountain? Weird.

As members of the church, sometimes we are missing in action. There is no substitute for members spreading the gospel. Members must spread the gospel because it works. We must be member missionaries. Missionaries can't do it alone, but they are not as successful as members. It is our JOB to spread the gospel. We know who is lost from the church.

Three objectives for us to spread the gospel to those who NEED OUR HELP. GOOD GOD, HELP THE LESS ACTIVE!!! Warn your neighbor. Ward missions are the greatest. Half of the people in the US and Canada don't know about the mormons. Craziness. Non members interacting with faithful members have accurate info about the church, and people have a positive attitude about mormons. Mormons teach and preach and are the best ever, but our missionaries spend time finding people instead of teaching. They are underutilized because we don't find enough people. Why aren't we helping. We are missing golden opportunities to grow the church. We should be earnest in bringing the light of the gospel to everyone searching.

People are scared for their families and changing values. We should invite them to come with us. The lord's gospel is on earth and will bless lives. Gospel is centered on atonement (I thought it was on Joseph Smith and BoM). Only those in the gospel can be saved thru faith and repentance and holy ghost and enduring. All mankind is invited to be rescued and join us. Missionary message is strengthen by restoration. We have a living prophet. We have the priesthood. All of us need to teach this message to everyone. We must spread the holy ghost like a deadly virus. We have to testify and warn our neighbors.

Missionary work is the responsibility of each of us. Open our mouths. The field is white. THRUST in your sickle ;) Open your mouth, open your mouth, open your mouth. (I think I just made that dirty) God is with us. Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Here's what you should say: declare belief in christ, enjoy gift of eternal life. Tell the story of the first vision (which version again? did Smith see Moroni or god? How old was he again?). Oh, and testify of the Book of Mormon, how it's way better than the bible. The BoM is convincing evidence that Joseph Smith is a prophet of god (snicker snicker). If the BOM is true, then Smith restored the truth of god.

Shepherd destroys wolves. Listen to the shepherd. We are sheep, follow the good shepherd. We are all like that trapped ewe. Ewe are trapped without god saving you. God will look for ewe. Beware inactive members because we will find ewe. Probably with homemade cookies on your doorstep and clever sayings designed to draw ewe back to church. How can ewe resist? Ewe cannot rescue yourself. Wouldn't ewe hate to be lost? Find the sheep!

We are god's children. Be a member missionary. If you bring people back to god, you will be happy. Bring people back. Where are the people. Find them and bring them back to church.


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