Sunday, April 5, 2009

Jose Teixeira

Another non-white guy speaking. We are truly a universal church.

God's work is to bring about immortality and eternal life of man. God has given us gifts to help us. Spiritual gifts are blessings and abilities to help us navigate our lives towards eternity. As long as we comply and repent, we can be forgiven. We can succeed and live with god again. We are not alone.

Choice is a gift that can transform our lives. We should choose wisely. God will not stop us from choosing wrong. That which is of god will make us want to do good, everything else is bad. We should do good CONTINUALLY. Our free agency must be used well.

GPS navigates us like god does. Oooo, this guy is PORTUGUESE. Our church is STRONG in Europe! It is hard to navigate the stormy seas of this life, but with GPS we have simultaneous answers. How is our spiritual GPS? It also has a warning voice. It takes time to reconnect with god. We can always know right from wrong, it is a natural capacity. Holy ghost can become useless if we sin. Our lives depend upon the decisions we make. Good choices lead to happiness, while wrong choices drag us down to sadness. We can choose to be more like god and inherit promised blessings.

Another gift is the capacity to believe others. God reveals plan to the prophet. People who follow prophets receive blessings. WE CAN ALWAYS TRUST THE PROPHETS. Follow the prophet, follow the prophet, follow the prophet. We get direction by following the prophet. We should follow the prophet.

God is mindful and communicates with prophets to guide us. Our testimony will be stronger if we follow the prophet. We can reach our eternal destiny. We have been taught by follow the prophet, he guides us. Abide by the teachings, obey so that we can make good choices.


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