Sunday, April 5, 2009

Thomas Monson... again

Heart is full, conference is great. We are so blessed to listen to prophets. We are more determined to live the gospel. Thanks for being here and speaking and singing. Yay musical talents! My soul delighteth in the song of righteous, and we will be blessed. We will remember this forever, and it will be printed in the Ensign. Study the message, then apply them in your life (but members aren't required to follow the prophet, right).

We love the apostles. Aren't we great? Aren't we committed? Aren't we leading the church well? Aren't the leaders of the church (all men) great? Women aren't even mentioned AT ALL. We are apparently not thanking any of them.

May we strive to live closer to the lord. Pray always. Love your children, pray for them so they will withstand evils of world, that they will grow in faith. Hopefully, they will be mormons. Kids, tell your parents you love them. A word of caution: we live at a time when the adversary is using everything to snare us in his web of deceit to take us down. Bad pathways lead to destruction. Things can be used for good or evil. Internet has PORN. Stay away from the internet, unless it's the church's website of priceless resources. But holy shit there are people using the internet for evil. PORN. Stay away from porn; it destroys the spirit. Everyone everywhere, but especially the young people, stay away from porn. Don't become trapped. The internet is for porn. If you have looked at porn, stop it. Get help, go to your bishop. Change your life. Go back to the straight and narrow. Chose today who you will serve, as for me, I will serve the lord.

We have built temples, and we're gonna keep doing it. Go to the temple for peace. Be dedicated to gospel and temple. We are so privileged. We can be sanctified there. The greatest service is temple work. We don't know who they are, but they would thank us. We are saviors on Mt. zion. Savior gave his life, just like we do in the temple for those who can't be saved without us. We do humanitarian work for you, even if you are not a mormon. Go Restoration! Go blessings for me! Go blessed people. We have knowledge that god lives. May you always nourish your testimony for protection. I am your servant, and I just wanna serve you and god. Let's go home safe. Love ya! Remember me in your prayers. May the lord bless us.


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