Sunday, April 5, 2009

Steven Snow

We too need to get on with our lives. We don't seek or welcome dramatic change, but change comes. It is natural as we make our way thru our journey. Too often we are reluctant to enter the next stage because we are fearful or lack faith. How can we best prepare for change?

First, follow the prophets. Listen to and abide by their counsel. They provide advice to help us through. It is the same from the prophets or GOD. Prophets speak for god. Follow the prophet (so what is this, speaking as a man bullshit???).

Second, keep an eternal perspective. Change and challenge is a part of gods plan. This is a test, this is only a test. We will see if we will follow god. It needs be that there is options, otherwise there would be nothing, except a sucking black hole. We will grow as we make righteous decisions.

Third, have faith. Move forward daily with faith. Dread can creep into our hearts, but faith and doubt cannot coexist, for one will dispel the other. We must exercise faith, it is how we learn and progress.

Fourth, be of good cheer. It is easy to feel despondent and forgotten. God is with us and will not forsake us. The next time you are tempted to groan, you might try to laugh instead. A good sense of humor can soften the bumps.

Every worthy young adult knows the importance of choosing a spouse. Because that is the most important thing in a singles life.

How do we deal with unexpected setbacks? See the list above.

Pioneers are example. They created new life out of nothing, but gradually things improved. Ups and downs in their lives. The saint went on a mission; I wonder if it was to find more places to practice polygamy. He was called on another mission to the south. Robert Gardner Jr. accepted calls even when it is not convenient. We should all accept calls, and be inspired by stories like that.


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