Saturday, October 2, 2010

Richard Scott

When faith is properly understood, it has far reaching effects. Symphony of joy and happiness. Exercise of faith is vital to happiness. Faith in JC is central to salvation. Faith in prophets. Truly, faith is a principle of action and power. Faith is a building block of creation. JC exercised faith under the direction of HF.

Faith in the future is demonstrated by a couple sealed in the temple. When challenges come, they will find ways to overcome them.

We become what we want to be by being what we want to become. We change by doing. Righteous character is the most valuable. It is more important than anything else. How well did we use this priviledge of mortality. Only you can destroy yourself through disobedience.

Transgression erodes character. We must make consistant right choices. When acted upon, our faith will be confirmed.

Faith is based on trust in god... on obedience to his commandments... sensitivity to HG... courageous implementation of promptings of HG... Faith is things hoped for and not seen. You will not get a witness until after a trial of faith. Each time you try your faith, you will receive confirmation of the spirit. You will be lead to solutions. God will not always reward you immediately, but according to his eternal plan. Be thankful that sometimes god lets you struggle for a long time. That causes your faith to increase and your character to grow.

Worthy character will help you recognize and obey the spirit. Making JC central lays a good foundation. Your happiness and salvation requires many correct decisions. Eroding influences of sin and transgression... carefully craft your character.... it is an object of great beauty and priceless worth, but it can be damaged in an instant. It can endure for eternity. Material things do not produce happiness or lead us to exaltation. Inner strength gives life direction. Inner power can be permenantly resistant to sin and transgression. Obedience strengthens your character; a measure of your progression.... you get what you pay for... it's true for spiritual matters as well.

Testimony is not emotion; it is the essence of character made out of correct decisions. A strong testimony gives peace and comfort. Obedience.... testimony grows from understanding truth... nurtured by living those truths with faith... secure confidence that promised results will be obtained.

Satan causes havoc. The devil will not triumph. He can't take anything away from us. He cannot quench faith or take away testimony. He has no power in and of himself to destroy us.

God causes faith to mold character... strong character is consistent correct choices. The more your character is fortified, the more you have the power of faith.

Four principles for peace and happiness:

Faith in lord JC
Selfless Service

Don't become discouraged. Hold tightly to the rod. May the HG prompt you to make good decisions.

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