Saturday, October 2, 2010

Gerrit Gong

Missionary son at MTC... mother gave her son home made bread. Thank you notes about the bread.

We love our missionaries. We are eternally gratful to the first missionary. Temple covenants brings blessing to each generation.

His mother was converted my missionaries in Hawaii. Faithful church members helped the new convert. Each convert needs to become a fellow saint. Blackberries when red are green.

Primary children sing: I love to see the temple. Youth pledge to receive ordinances of the temple. Each human being has divine nature and destiny. The temple allows families to unite and us to go back to HF. We can give children roots and wings.

Succession of generations and family relationships. Stories about his ancestors back to first dragon Gong.... In temple mirrors of eternity, we are children to our parents and parents to our children. Mortality's great lessons....

Savior is father and the son... Savior knows how to succor us. Descended below all things... can carry our sorrows. With his stripes, we are healed. Savior sought only to do his father's will. World pursues enlightened self interest, but we cannot save ourselves. Only atonement can swallow up death and anger and loneliness and heartbreak. Things go wrong even when we do our very best. When we always remember him, he can stand with us. His faithfulness is stronger than death. Savior draws us to him and to HF. We can trust HF in mercy and harmony.

We can change. As we reach out to each brother and sister, we bless generations. There is faith and no fear. I am persuaded that neither death nor life can separate us from the love of god. God lives and will wipe away all tears. Hosanna....

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