Sunday, March 22, 2009

Juvenile religion

I love my four-year-old nephew. He is adorable and sweet and fun and all those other things that ensure a child's survival when balanced against their incredible powers of annoyance. This nephew hates church. I mean he hates everything about it. He hates the clothes, the shoes, he hates the classes, the singing, the sitting.

Last week, and this week, I had conversations with him about it.
Me: "How was church?"
Him: "Stupid."
"Did you learn anything?"
"Did you talk about Jesus?"
"I don't know."
"Did you like it?"
"It was stupid."
"Stupid like how?"
"stupid like blah blah blah."

I am starting to think that all little kids are atheists, and that it is cruel and unusual to expect a four year old to sit still for three hours of church. I am not against children and religion, but I don't think that all kids are made for it. Like not all adults are made for it. And all this stuff about innate religion... I'm not sure I believe it.

A lot of people will say that it is intellectualism, studying the wrong things that will lead you out of the church. But it's not. Sometimes it just doesn't feel right. It doesn't fill what you need it to fill. Sometimes it's a nagging feeling that something is off, a natural urge to spend your time how you want to spend it, a feeling of uselessness when you go to church.

For me, it was the so-called intellectualism, the control of intellectual property which I believe should be free. But the church can be wrong in so many ways. Kind of comforting, truth be told.

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