Sunday, September 28, 2008

General Conference

General Conference weekend was always one of my favorites growing up. It meant that we didn't have to make the early drive to church. It meant that we could sit in front of the tv in our jammies and huddle under blankets. It meant that we would have a relaxing Sunday breakfast as a family. As I got older, every conference weekend, we would make cowboy eggs (a concoction of eggs, toast, cheese, pineapple and ham. It remains one of my trustiest comfort foods).

Twice a year (the first weekend in April, and the first one in October), the church has a conference where the prophet and the apostles speak. This is broadcast to all the church houses all over the world. If you live in Utah, it is on local network television. There are 2 sessions on Sunday, and three on Saturday. They each last for two hours, and the last session on Saturday is only for the men, and so not broadcast.

I think the rule was we had to listen to one session of conference each day. We would mostly bring a radio outside for the Saturday session. We would play on the ropeswing, and the revelations of our living prophet would be our background noise.

On Sunday, we would all be passed out in front of the tv. Mom would make us get out of bed and sit in the living room. We would bring our blankets, and promptly fall right back asleep.

You'd think the word of god would be less soporific.

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