Saturday, April 3, 2010

Jeffery Holland

YW greeting him at airport. Recently divorced because of unfaithful husbands because of porn.

Global cesspool, crater in your brains forever. Infidelity begins with pornography. It's not just a problem with men (wow... admitting female sexuality. I am impressed). Cell phones, video games, ipods can have porn.

Root is lust. Most deadly of the seven deadly sins... spirit destroying. It's a sin because it defiles the holiest relationship of marriage. Separate yourself from that which can harm you. Flee from it, get as far away as possible.

Seek help, talk to bishop. Pray without ceasing. Filters on computers, self control is the only real control. Turn of indecent shows. It dulls spirituality.

More than one man has been saved from sin by remembering the faith of his mother, wife, or child. Make sure you have welcome thoughts by invitiation. Let will be your reason. Cultivate spirit of the lord. Keep clean art, music and literature. Go to temple as often as circumstances allow... temple arms you.

(Editor's note: I am so bored of these pornography talks that I had a hard time paying attention. In my opinion, pornography only becomes such a huge issue when sexuality is so repressed and there is no allowable way to be a sexual person. When you deny a part of yourself to the extent that you can't masturbate, you can't touch yourself at all, you aren't ALLOWED to wear what you want, what's comfortable... when sexuality is dictated by asexual geriatrics... when female sexuality is demonized... then of COURSE you are going to have people who go nuts with something that is so easy to hide initially. If the church allowed a healthy comfortable view of sexuality, the "pornography problem" would be virtually eliminated.)

5th speaker

Driving car in rain... standing water ahead. Appeared to be safe, but the sign prepared him for hazard.

Early warning signals. Financial and labor market indicators... natural disaster warnings. We are also blessed by spiritual early warning signals. Noah alerted. Savior was spared thru angelic warning to go to Egypt.

WOW... evils and designs of conspiring men... revelation of WOW. Spiritual warnings should lead to increasingly vigilant watching. We will be warned, we need to be watching with all perserverence. Guidance of HG.

Read and talk about BOM
Bear testimony spontaneously
Invite children to act and not just be acted upon

Parents who do this faithfully will recognize early warning signs and can help their children.

BOM contains fullness, and lord himself testified it to be true, keystone of our religion. Central focus on Christ and the clarity of BOMs teachings. BOM most correct. Unique, confirming witness of HG. Parents can observe children in BOM study, youth of all ages respond to the distinctive spirit of BOM.

Bear testimony, HG is messanger, power of HG allows us to know truth of all things. Result of revelation: sincere heart, real intent, faith in Christ. Testimony also brings responsibility and accountability. Communication...

Invite children to act... Doers, not hearers only. Act in accordance with correct principles. Parents have responsibilty to help children act. A child is never to young to take part in this pattern of learning. As parents, we teach how to fish, become spiritually steadfast. Encourage children to act, learn by doing. Spiritual exertion, not just passive reception.

4th speakr... of the 70

Story about sportsman.... flying with more weight than possible... the plane stalled and crashed. Ground effect: air is compressed.

Like the two sportsman, we believe that there must be an easier way, something that will accomodate us. Only STRICT obedience brings blessings, and disobedience is dangerous. Safety lies in keeping the commandments. We disobey because 1 it does not apply 2 it is not important, or 3 it is too difficult.

Story of Jeraboam... disobedience, mixture of good and evil.. Partial or selective compliance with god's laws fails to bring blessings.

Washing in the Jordan river to heal. Nahmen... no matter what prophet asks, obedience will bring blessings. No matter how trivial or unimportant we think they are.

Lehi... obedience brings peace.

JS taking 116 pages... Martin Harris. Lord said no. Plates taken from JS. When the lord commands, do it. This should be our rule as well. The lord's response is sure: obedience = eternal life. He honors those who serve him.

Obedience gives us confidence, potential to be like savior and return to gods presence.

3rd speaker

Express gratitude, testifies of prophet. Monson saves others, people are faced with calamities and are in need of help. There are natural disasters everywhere. Church is reaching out with humanitarian aid, fast offerings. Literal helping hands. Remember the poor and needy and sick and afflicted.

Focus on hands that help and save spiritually. Many need spiritual help, less active memebers... we invite all to come unto christ. As a new convert, I experienced spiritual rescue. I grew up in Japan... surrounded by mountains. At 17, he met the missionaries. The elders had something wonderful, they were diligent and filled with light. I wanted to become like them. I listened and decided to be baptized. My parents opposed, but he got permission and was baptized. He was lonely in college and strayed from the church. Got a postcard from someone back home that invited him back to church. Helped him realize he had lost something important. He remembered Moroni's promise. He wasn't praying with all his heart.... when he prayed and was filled with the spirit.

He made a commitment to repent and faithfully follow. He served a mission out of gratitude to church memeber who rescued him. Blessed with 4 children, it was his resuer who married him.

Leaders who take time with members and serve... teach the gospel... examples of helping others, testify, loved by many. Follow counsel of prophet out of free will, joyfully. The lord will help us save others and help others.

2nd speaker

Prisoner, open the king of England's eyes. Burned at the stake... condemned. William Tindale who published the bible in English. If god spares my life, boy who drives the plough will know more of the scriptures than the pope himself. Direct access to the scriptures threatened the authority of the church.

Tindale had to live in hiding, sacrificed to do his translations. Authorities burned the copies. Scriptures in English began to be publically available. Tindale sacrificed to bring the word of god out of obscurity, and others who copied the words.

Importance of scriptures. Alma entrusted records to Helaman, scriptures enlarge the memory of the people, bring to knowledge of god. Preserve the records, so god can show forth his power. Save and exault god's children. Brings us to repentance. Help us always remember the lord, remind us of what we knew in premortality, teach us about epic people and events.

Help us not forget what others have learned. Without it, we will forget our purpose. Scriptures are key to knowledge and redemption. Without scriptures.. spiritual ignorance.

Bible and other scriptures are readily at hand, but people won't open the books. Scriptures are the standard for distinguishing truth and error. It will unmask sin. Help us realize divine potential. Scriptures condemn moral relativism and Korihor's teaching. Scriptures teach there is a divine moral code. Many today would dispute the seriousness of immorality. Some say that god's love is permissive, there is no need for repentance. They immagined a Jesus who wants social justice but makes no demands on their behavior. God's commands are protection, real happiness is repentance and forgiveness. Integrity, responsibility, charity... blessings come from honoring true principles. If scriptural truths are abandoned, decay is close behind. Nothing is left to sustain societal institutions.

Scriptures fill our souls with faith in god and Jesus. Faith in atonement and ressurection, come to know true god. Word of God is like a seed. Faith doesn't come merely from study or ARCHEOLOGY OR SCIENCE OR MIRACLES. (wow... OMG... the BoM is true. The fact that no archeology supports it and it makes no sense in what we know from science just CONFIRMS THAT IT"S TRUE) faith comes from the witness of HG... feast upon the word of god.

Spiritual accounts of others strengthen our faith. We hear and take courage from scriptures... young boy prophet... JS.HG bears witness of the father and the son. The spirit verifies the scriptures, ponder and pray.. they are revelation and will bring revelation. Words of prophets from General Conference, which the LORD CALLS SCRIPTURE (so, how does the apologetic argument, "he was speaking as a man," work?). Never in history has a people been so blessed with holy writ. HOw incredible. With this blessing, the lord is telling us that we need the scriptures more than people in any other time.

Scriptures tell us all things we should do. Testimony of the father and the son as they are revealed in scriptures.

1st speaker

Meetings about missionary work. RS would prepare dinner so they could meet with the SP. 2 families asked RS if they could serve dinner. Opportunity for mothers to teach. Special to watch children to respond to mothers' instructions.

I recieved training from my mother. Like Nephi, I was born of goodly parents. Notes from mom's RS notebooks represent hours of preparation by mom, diligent and thorough in her presentations for her class. She overprepared, but no preparation was ever wasted. What she didn't use in her class, she used to teach her children. Mom was an effective teacher in RS, but her best teaching was in the home. More time at home, she wanted to be an example of diligent church service.

Value of teaching children when they are young. Mother recognized that parents are responsible for education of children, make sure it is what HF wants us to learn. He was quized to make sure that they had correct learning outside of home. Desks in the kitchen so they could learn while mom did household duties. Mother taught secular and spiritual lessons. Supplemented school work, and would practice RS lessons on her kids. Memorizing scriptures and AoF. Mind will become weak if it's not constantly exercised. She did not believe in idle thoughts, even when engaged in physical labor.

Times are different today. Times my change, but a parent's teaching must never be devalued. The most central is parents teaching children in the home; values, morals, ethics, faith. The influence of the adversary is widespread, trying to destroy the family. Teaching in the home is a sacred responsibility. Train up a child in the way he or she should go. Parents are entrusted with the care and development.

Parents act as central cast members in their children's lives. Commandment of the lord: bring up children in light and TRUTH (like... historical accuracy?? Hmmm). Family home evening and meals as a family. Consistant, persistant. Force for good in the world. Happiness, peace and prosperity are found in the teaching of children in the home. Duty of parents to teach saving principles of the gospel. (He's kind of berating here. If your kids go astray, it is your own damn fault.) You must teach at the cradleside. Teach by example and by precept.

Leaders of the church think about improving teaching a lot. We believe in the immense power of teaching. Most effective thing to improve teaching in the church is improve teaching in the home. There are a lot of resources; there is no such thing as overpreparation.

Provide for physical and spiritual needs, observe commandments of god. Fathers preside in love and righteousness. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture. Help one another as equal partners. Principles apply to both parents but are critical to the work of the mother. Fathers are usually away at work, so teaching rests on the mother. Ideal isn't always possible, but it is divine the role of women.

Destructive influences trying to mislead.. storms of unbelief and dispair are swirling around children... onslaught of wickedness. Protect our children from worldly influences.

God has entrusted us with parents with his children. It is our sacred duty to do our very best.

Membership numbers


At least they aren't claiming 14 million yet. It is just a matter of time. I want the total number of resignations! When are they going to start giving us that. Or at least say, "we have evaluated the resignations and find that they are all evil apostates who were deceived by satan or just lazy or wanted to sin... or read anti mormon literature. Remember, you need to obey."

Accountability of funds

Disposition of Tithes, expenditure of funds.

Counsel is comprised of leaders of the church. Auditing dept has been allowed complete access... is independent of operations and departments, is composed of CPAs and professionals. Based upon the audit, everything has been recorded and administered correctly.

We have audited ourselves, and we find that we are good.

Sustaining the Leaders

I don't get this. It seems like... is it a real sustaining if you can't disagree? Also, is it a way of making sure that at any point, someone can say, "you sustained them. You have to obey them." I don't know... I just don't like it. I know, surprise surprise: an evil athiest doesn't like the proceedings of the church. But still, I don't understand the point. Perhaps I am too cynical and it is merely a simple way of alerting the membership of changes in the structure. But if we can't disagree and we have no say... it seems fairly pointless.

I also love the passive voice: it is proposed. By who? We all know that it is the prophet (allegedly) who makes all these decisions. It just seems like it would be better in active. Like, "Thomas S. Monson proposes..." or better, "the lord proposes..." Would that be too much assigning responsibility? Like, if he turned out to be a child molester, the passive voice does not assign blame: it was just proposed, we don't know whose idea it was.

Also, lots of Latino names... I guess the whole idea of racial equality is slowly trickling up.

I don't like how the Primary and Relief Society presidency are all women. I mean, I'm glad they are in leadership, but the leadership positions make it clear where women are welcome and valued; not over men, but over other women and children. And god forbid a man serve in a Primary Presidency. That's not his role. It's a woman's role that is with the children.

General Conference--April 2010

I missed the first session. Damn work (guess I can't complain when I make the schedule, eh?). I did catch some of it... a talk by a gentleman who insisted that the world is corrupting the idea of womanhood by valuing women only for thier sensuality and sexuality, while the ONE TRUE church values women based only on their ability to nurture and be mothers... um... correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't being a mother and the ability to reproduce a part of sexuality? Isn't the church doing exactly what it condemns "the world" for?

Meh, what do I know?