Friday, November 13, 2009

Wine and whining

Oh my dear and fluffy lord. Are you kidding me?

So, I'm going on a cruise, which is great. However, getting to the cruise involves a lot of flying, which I am not a huge fan of. This particular flight is a red eye. Last time I did a red eye, I slept for 6 hours AFTER I got off the plane. This trip, I don't have the luxury; I have to sleep on the flight.

I got to the airport early. Not like super early or anything. This is the SLC airport. If you get here more than an hour early, you are asking for mind numbing boredom, and you deserve everything you get from irritated homeland security. So, it's an hour before my flight. When I get to the gate, I realize it is an hour and a half before my flight. Ok. Fine.

All I really want is a glass or two of wine. I could sit back, relax, listen to my college lectures on Augustine. But no restaurants are open. OK, it is 11:30, but in an airport? Isn't airport on its own weird time, just like it has its own twisted sense of a fair price? There has got to be a restaurant open; maybe not in MY concourse, but in A concourse. So I go into the News & Books store where there are two women (why you need two employees there is beyond me). And I ask to the women whose question is "are you ready to pay?" No, I'm not ready to pay. You can plainly see I hold nothing in my hands.... whatever. I ask, "Is there anywhere in the airport that I can get a glass of wine?"

The answer: No. Not anywhere in the airport after 9.

AFTER NINE??? What, after that it's bed time? I mean, I can see having a cut off, theoretically, but NINE????

So, I'm irrationally upset about the whole thing. I have to think that in major metropolitain areas elsewhere, a grown ass woman can get a glass of wine in an airport without regard to time. I have got to believe that there are laws not dictated by the moral majority. I have to believe that the church is slowly losing control of the government in Utah. Because if I don't believe all that, it makes me feel like I am back in the church, my actions being monitored by Big Brother, whether I like it or not.

Free internet doesn't even make up for it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Todd Christofferson

(does it even matter anymore? I am apparently not as up to battling the banality as I usually am.)

Relaxing morals. Blah blah, blah blah blah.

Joseph Sitati

First time I seen a black speaker. Ever. Has their ever been another? I don't think so. Does this mean that the revelation that black men were to be servants in heaven is not in effect anymore?

Grateful for keys... living prophets that denied black men the priesthood? That still carry this intolerance forward in lingering doctrines about lack of faith, in discrimination against homosexuals and women?

Mike Ringwood

Easy to believe the word of god? Saved by seemingly insignificant things. Easiness to believe will bring outpouring of spirit.

Dale Hendlen

Heart transplants; some people get lax with their meds. Ultimate operation is the spiritual mighty change of heart.

Obedience brings spiritual change of heart. Our hearts have become hardened. Body tries to reject changed heard. Extended metaphor, it's all like a bad allegory.

Man, I think this is the end of my blogging this conference. Cannot. Take. Any. More.

Brent Nielson

Go ye therefore and teach all nations, and baptize them. April 6, 1974, SWK, Nielson got called to Finland... landmark address, SWK outlined his vision to teach all nations. Invited members to lengthen their stride, every worthy YM, serve a mission.

Son went to Russia St Petersburg mission. Fulfilling dad's dream. Rising generation is the fulfillment of prophecy... gospel will visit every continent. 13.5 million members. Saviours call is to rising generation: here am I, send me. There is no greater work.

Heavens are open, god speaks today. Go on a mission. Give us money, and you will be hungry for two years with inadequete healthcare (I think I am sick of the platitudes and ridiculousness).

Quentin Cook

Perilous times when people think there is no personal responsiblity, just self gratification and pleasure. In the church, however, we believe we are brother's keeper. Jews got together: 2 different reasons people engage in acts of kindness--right thing to do and others will reciprocate, serve our fellow man because that's what god wants.

LDS undertake welfare because we believe god wants us to do it. Accountability, love god, obedience to the unenforceable. We want to please HF, not because someone forces us to obey. Freedom to chose our course, we are accountable for that agency. Great significance in our doctrine; stewardship not limited to stuff, but bodies, minds families, properties. Looks to poor and needy.

Stewardship of self/families and for poor/needy.

Story of ranch: spring of water. Help grandmother carry water. Grandfather disappointed because spring water was polluted. Violation of trust; he had not protected spring. Virtue and chastity are not safeguarded, morality not respected. Instructed us that the wellspring of life to be kept pure (so, fornication is like cow poo?). Teach god's standard of morality. Impure violates his standard, cannot look upon sin. Some attempt to rationalize away their conduct. What happens in a certain city stays in a certain city. When we realize we are accountable to god... we see rationalizers as little children. We can't fool saviour with rationalization. Thru saviours atonement, all can repent, but it is difficult. He who has repented, the same is forgiven.

Families: physical safety, immerse children in gospel. Religious observance in the home is as important as food, clothing and shelter. Even in difficult economic times, OUR members donate genereously to help poor and needy. Bishop warned him that some members will respond to every call. Sister Sarah who serves (OMG poor old people in the church). See that all these things are done in order... we should be diligent.

Saints all over the church providing christlike service. The church can quietly and quickly and WITHOUT FANFARE (really?) respond to needs. Thou shalt be like a spring of water. Review your stewardships.

Jeffery Holland

Song is the ultimate surmon. Prophesies regarding the last days talk about large scale disasters; economic or political upheavel. Latter day destruction that is personal, warning more applicable inside the church. Even those of the covenant could be deceived by the enemy of truth. Heart as center of faith, center of loyalty and values, men's hearts shall fail them.

HF knows all these dangers of soul, gives counsel and protection regarding them. BOM begins with parable of life, hope vs. fear. Lehi's dream a difficult journey becomes more difficult by mists of darkness. The mists descends on ALL the travelers, on the elect and the weaker ones. Successful travelers resist all distractions: taunts and other paths. Protected pressed their way forward continually holding the rod of iron.

Beheld redeemer of world and the sick healed, devils cast out. Power of christ will counter all troubles in all times. it is the safe harbor god wants for us. Message that BOM begins with, and how it ends. Only true way.

JS and Hyrum started for Carthage: thou hast been faithful, thou shall be made strong, end up in the mansions of my father. Farewell until we meet at the judgement seat. Ether 12. Everlasting testimony that these two brothers died for. Holland has Hyrum's copy. JS bore testimony to his guards of BOM. (Testators??? Also, died in a gun fight. For the record) Would these men blaspheme before god if they had ficticiously created? (they could have believed it. Straw man arguement. Holy pathos)

Legions die, they bore testimony of BOM... in this hour of death, these two men would enter the presence of eternal judge in book, brand them as imposters and charlatans. THEY WOULD NOT DO THAT. They were willing to die (didn't seem so willing to me when they fought back) Examined, attacked, denied, deconstructed, like no other book in any religious history. Failed theories had been born. Spalding. None of these frankly PATHETIC ANSWERS. (WOW< ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? volume does not equal truth. These theories have adequetely explained the BOM. Better than the whitewashed history parroted by the church. Bloody hell, I hate the fear mongering). Must accept BOM. If anyone is foolish enough to reject 531 pages with literary and semitic complexity (rolls eyes. He can't be serious, can he??) Such persons have been deceived. If they leave this church, they must do so by CRAWLING over BOM to do so. It is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, a barrier to unbelievers. Witnesses testified to their death that they had seen and angel and handled the plates (um... are these the same people that distinguished between "spiritual" eyes and not physical eyes? I think they are). I wasn't there to see the BOM (god, this is godawful. Seriously), my testimony of this record and the peace it brings is binding as if I had seen it for real. I witness unto the world. I LIE NOT> GOD BEARING WITNESS OF IT. My testimony given today under oath and office recorded by men on earth and angels in heaven. I declared to the world in the most straightforward language that BOM is true, the JS brought it forth, given to bring home. My witness echos that of Nephi: harken unto these words and believe in christ. If you shall believe in christ you shall believe these words for they are the words of christ, all men shall do good. Christ will show you with power and great glory that they are his words.

God always provides safty to soul. Remember declaration by Jesus: whoso treasureth my word shall not be deceived.

Thomas Monson

Greets us with love in heart for gospel and for us. Grateful for priveledge to stand before us.

Story about article. Poor family, hard childhood, "what did you do for someone today?" Children determined to do a good turn everyday. Expectation that siblings would help others. Inner desire to help others. Grew up to be a succesful and benevolent doctor. Giver gets more than the recipient.

Needs of others are ever present. Each of us can do something to help someone. By love, serve one another. Serve others=serve god. Who saves his life shall lose it, who loses his life for my sake shall save it. We must lose ourself in service to others. Without that, we have no purpose. Otherwise we shrivel. Those who serve others grow and flourish.

McKay: man's greatest happiness comes from losing himself for the good of others. Those who cry out out "is there no balm in gilead?" It is intention of each member to help those in need: it is a baptismal covenant. How often have you intended to help, but day to day has interfered. We become so caught up in the busyness of our lives. We have immersed ourselves in the thick of thin things. In the grand scheme of things, some things don't matter.

I have wept in the night for the shortness of sight... etc poem. Lift his children. We may lament at our own situation: what can I possibly do? What is the ideal gift that members worldwide could give to prophet: find someone to serve. He received cards and letters telling Monson how they had served. Warm fuzzies=act of service. He received many gifts. It isn't easy for those who are young to understand the loneliness of old people. (wait, is he talking about himself and the other GAs?)

Help can always be found in RS. Priesthood groups served too. He was grateful when he spent hours reading these gifts; lives have been blessed. Matt 25: "come ye blessed, here is the kingdom prepared for you. I was hungry and you gave me meet, stranger and ye took me in, sick and ye visited me. When did we do these things? Inasmuch as ye have done this unto the least of these my brethern, ye have done it unto me."

May we ask ourselves: what have I done for someone today? Hymn. Come unto JC and he will give you rest.

Russell Nelson

Grateful for modern communication, allows us to use rapid exchange of information. Wireless phones for communicating quickly. Opportunity to access information directly from heaven, without cost. Ask and it shall be given you... etc.

Provide personal revelation is extended to all. It sounds too good to be true, but it is true. We must be always ready to receive. Keep pencil and paper to capture impressions.

Have firm faith, deep desire, sincere heart, real intent. You really intend to follow divine direction. Study matter diligently. "study it out in your mind, then ask if it will be right." D&C chapter 6. Part of being prepared is to know and obey teachings of lord. 10 commandments. Some revelations given for unique circumstances. God's pattern of teaching through prophets means he will bless prophets and those who heed prophetic counsel.

Paul: natural man receives not things of spirit. Spiritually discerned. Change from natural man to devoted disciple is huge. Natural man is an enemy to god, unless we yeild to spirit. Become a saint thru atonement, become as a child, submissive.

Story about change in a man. Father was not a member, son was in the Stake Presidency. Nelson praised him for having a son. The day will come you will want this son sealed to you: when that day comes, I will perform that sealing. 6 weeks ago, he saw father again. When his hearing began to fail, his body was changing, time was limited, lost his hearing. He became converted. (ie, conversion comes through big changes in life. Is this using fear tactics to convert? I can't tell)

After such a conversion, there can be more spiritual refinement. Discern means to sift, separate or distinguish. It is a supernal gift, allows you to see things not visible. Bishops have it. Sisters may view trends in the world, and see those that are shallow and dangerous. It is the right of those holding positions to obtain the word of god to carry out god's purposes. None of callings are for gain, but are given to fulfill purposes of HF. We seek to carry out will of god.

To receive revelation: develop faith, hope, charity, love, eye single to god's glory, godliness, diligence. Ask and you will receive, knock and it wil be opened. Revelation is always compatiple and doesn't contradict his doctrine. Lord is merciful unto those that FEAR HIM, honor those who serve me. Great shall be their reward. I will reveal to them all mysteries.

Revelation need not come all at once. I will give line upon line, precept on precept. They shall learn wisdom, unto him that receiveth, I will give more. Prophets describe that veil is taken from their minds, eyes of my understanding were open, spirit rest upon me.

Every member merits personal revelation. God lives, Jesus is living Christ. This is his living church, we are blessed today because Monson is living prophet. Harken and heed his prophetic counsel (how do we tell when he is talking as a man, and when it is prophetic? I dunno).

Ann Dibb

(is it just me, or does she look fake? And also sound fake. OMG, I would hate her in real life)

Bridge workers in Canada. She is fascinated. They had safety equiptment, but chose not to use it. SHE IS WAY TO HAPPY DESCRIBING THIS SAD STORY. OMG. There are many lessons to be learned from this incident. We feel like we are going through scary times in our lives: loss of employment, disappointments. We may question our abilities in our church and family callings. Dangers that we live with today, INCLUDING SOCIETIES TOLERANCE OF SIN. These are as real as falling to CERTAIN DEATH. My life isn't perfect; we all deal with challenges. It is pretty scary.

Scrirptures talk about oposition. We learn and grow by overcoming. Monson has endless confidence in HF and us. We are entitled to HF blessings. We do not walk alone. We have guidance. He realizes your devotion. HF has not left us alone during mortality. He has given us all safety equipment we need. Prayer, scriptures, prophets, HG. It may seem cumbersome and unfashionable to use these safety measures. We must all chose to use it.

Another key piece of safety: rod of iron. Hold on to it to safely find way to eternal life. Lehi's dream: vision of mortal state and dangers. Mists of darkness, caused many to lose their way. Press forward, catch hold of rod, press their way forward, continually holding fast to rod. Partake the fruit of tree of life. We learn that we must take hold of safety railing. It is beside each individual strait and narrow. Nephi promises that if we hold fast, we will never perish. Adversary cannot overpower us to destruction.

Read again the full accounts of this vision: study and ponder. We are invited to get a grip. We must hold on tight and never let go. It isn't always easy. We may let go because of peer pressure or pride. We are leaving our safety equipment behind. Many can be lost, wandering in strange roads. We may find that we are also wandering in strange roads. It is always possible for us to find our way back through atonement and repentance, recommit to strong grip on iron rod.

Saviour has extended an open invitation to repent, hold on, and don't let go. Exhorts us with all energies of soul: keep his commandments always. Use safety equipment that he has provided us. We are led by living prophet of god. SHE IS HIS FUCKING DAUGHTER??? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? UM< CAN WE SAY NEPOTISM??? I WONDER HOW MUCH THAT POSITION PAYS? Wait, do female positions get paid? I know that priesthood holders do, but maybe that's another measure of the mysogyny. Irritating.

David Burton

Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly.

Story about 12th b-day: 13th articles of faith. Thirteenth is the hardest, remembering orders of virtues. Personal traits we call virtues. Form a foundation of a christian life. "ITY" Integrity, civility, fidelity... etc. Ity virtues: means quality, state or degree of being. Personal traits of virtue are in steep decline. Road rage is evidence of this, or politics, fidelity and honesty have been replaced with greed. Crude language and immodest dress; poor sportsmanship. Many people without personal responsibility; people blame bankers. We need not be a part of the lack of virtue. If we abandon virtues, consequences will be disasterous. Family will be impacted, THERE WILL BE ANARCHY!!!!! There will be PLAGUES, SATAN WILL REJOICE!!!!

We must stand tall and project ity virtues. Starts in the home with parents examples. Poor example gives licsence to expand, hypocracy destroys credibility. We need to be honest. Story about practicing piano. Story about grandson. Accountability, responsibility. Parents should remain steadfast. Faust said that integrity is the mother of many virtues: firm adherence to code of moral values. Integrity is light from discipline, strength of diety within us. Without integrity, we cannot maintain other virtures.

Monson said that most people will not commit desperate acts if they are taught honesty and integrity is more important than revenge and rage. Lost batallion of WWI, lost tribes of israel. Forgotten Carols, virtuous traits cannot be forgotten or set aside. If virtues are lost, eternal relationship could be jeapordized. If we practice virtues, we can FOIL SATAN. Now is the time for us to join in rescuing that which is virtuous, lovely, praisworthy. Our communities will be improved, we will be strengthened.

HF expects us to exercise integrity, fidelity, charity, generosity, morality, humility. OMG WITH THE ENDING> IS HE KIDDING??? GOOD LORD, ability, opportunity, responsibility. I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Tom Perry

Mormon miracle pagent. Before pagent, talked to cast members, cast of over 800 people. Organization was an inspiration. 15000 people in attendance; thrill to see army catch the vision of the story of the restoration. We love to attend a temple session; there is a special spirit in these older temples. It was an emotional experience. As we progressed through session, he could hear early pioneers pride in their building. We performed this labor under our own power.

Ronald Regan: I don't want to go back to past; I want to go to past way of facing the future. Legacy of faith, courage, ingenuity the pioneers have left for us. Embracing the gospel was a complete change of life for them. They left behind everything to journey into the wilderness. This is the place: vast desert wasteland. With firm faith in god and leaders, pioneers went to work. Brigham Young had them leave their home again to spread out and settle other parts of great basin.

History: 1849, BY called saints to journey south to build new communities in desert wastelant in Manti. On the hill, a temple would be built. Some years passed, citizens began to be anxious. We'd better get busy and build it. Diligence of the workmen. Hinkley said that he's been to great buildings of world, but none feel like these pioneer buildings.

Past can provide better way of facing the future. Story about carpenters from Norway who were to build a roof; hadn't built roof, but built ship. Used lessons from the past to meet the challenge. Doesn't matter if it's right side up or upside down.

There are eternal principles that are everlasting. We as members have SPECIAL ACCESS AND INSIGHT, esp as we listen to spirit and hear the prophet's voice. We know how important these our in our lives. Pioneers couldn't face future without these, and neither can we.

He that preacheth and that receiveth are edified together. When we receive blessings and got the name of christ, we accepted the OBLIGATION to share the gospel with others. Church turned the missionary programs upside down; ward mission plan. Progress is made at an ever increasing rate. Missionaries are successful. We have discovered that ward based missionary work is way better. Recieve discussions in member's home. We can directly experience sweet blessings, members become more inclusive as we ponder who we can share the gospel with. Missionary work is more than tracting: members who introduce an investigator, anxious for happiness of investigator. Full time missionaries do most of the teaching, but members must share their testimony. We must prepare ourselves to teach basic gospel principles. This will strengthen members.

Plan of Salvation
Gospel of JC

How prepared are you to give witness and testimony, to play supporting role to missionaries? May we all learn both the lessons taught by ship building. Principles and truths of past can help us face future; we can share what we know with others to help them. If we share the gospel, other people will be happy. GOspel of JC is true. It has been restored, has all truths, plan for us to live and follow him, gospel of JC is divine way for us to face our future.

Henry Eyring

Blessed to speak with us. Different as we are, we share a desire to become better than we are. There may be a few who may think they are good enough, and a few who have given up, but we must expect to become better as long as we live.

Revelation about when we will meet the savior. Moroni: pray unto the father that ye may be filled with this love that he has bestowed upon all true followers, that you may become the sons of god, that we may be like him and purified. Any believing LDS is an optimist. We believe that thru living the gospel, we can become perfect.

Children's song: I'm trying to be like Jesus (is this really about eternal progression? Isn't it about WWJD? It's not about on to eternal perfection, the honest and faithful will go). Kids not just singing, they were declaring their determination. Kids have no doubts, expect to succeed. It is not a hope; it is a commmand. We need to all feel like that. Saviour prepared the way thru his atonement.

Love is motivating principle by which lord leads us, our perfect example. We must be filled with love of god. It is the first and great commandment, and love of others is at the heart of our capacity to OBEY HIM. Jesus used child as example of perfect love. Family is example of ideal setting. Greatest joy and greatest sorrow in family relationships; putting welfare of others above our own. Sorrow comes from selfishness, in the absence of love. MAN AND WOMAN to make sacred covenants, put welfare of other at the center of their lives; hold the needs of children as equal to their own.

Family can be together forever. Sealed in the temple of god, linked to posterity. Whether family will be together depends on the choices each family member makes; satan wants misery in this life and the next. Choices that would assure you that there will be no empty chairs.

Pray for love that allows you to see good in your companion, make weaknesses seem small, soften the sorrows.

Mother's final illness, father gave her comfort. Hospital set up bed in her room. Walked to work and back to hospital. It was a gift of god to him to love more.

Saviour is perfect example of persisting in love. When nephites rejected his invitation. How oft will I gather you as a hen, if you will repent and return. Prodigal son story. Kids will feel your love drawing them back. To the faithful parent who honors temple sealing. Tho some may wander, soon they will feel tentacles drawing them back to the church (KICKING AND SCREAMING PROPHECY :) Jesus reaches for them with you.

Honor thy father and mother. You owe parents life. Even if your life isn't lengthened, your quality is improved. True love of others. Increasing power to love; you have had evidences that you are becoming more like Jesus. Feeling like a little child. How you feel when you are trying to be like Jesus. Jesus asked for the children to come unto him. Peace of a pure little child. When you were baptized, washed clean like a little child. He heard the voice of god. Approval of HF, felt it in your family when you acted in forgiveness. These moments can come more often. Your childlike obedience will bring happiness to you and your family. Promise in 3rd Nephi: All children taught of the lord for peace. You can have peace that you felt as a child. Promise is true: peace I give to you. He leads us and beckons us to follow.

Way lies through faith and enduring thru love. Father lives and loves us, and he loves the saviour. JS was prophet of restoration; this is the COJCOLDS. Ordaninces will allow us to be better. I leave you my blessing.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Boyd Packer

Father supplies means of communicating. Everyone provided with light of christ with hope and guidance. Restoration began with first vision. Restoration brought knowledge of premordial existence. We are children of god, spirit body in earthly tabernacle. We are temples of god with spirit of god in us. We are part of the plan of happiness. Lucifer and his followers were cast out. Lucifer rebelled against god, made war, makes war with people of god. Use our agency wisely. Otherwise we will yeild to adversary. Through atonement, we can be washed clean. Spirit of christ given to every man to know good from evil. That which enticeth to do good is from christ.

Perfect communication through spirit. Following baptism into COJCOLDS, comes gift of HG that comes as feeling. Pure intelligence spoken to the divine, communicate through spirit, thoughts, feelings, promptings.

Get up and move your carriage. Move your mule.

Lord will tell in mind and heart by HG. The voice of lord will come into your mind. You can know the things you need to know. Keep that channel of your mind clean and free from clutter of the world.

In WWII, in China. On wrong train, put off in countryside. Had to walk back to city. Pump the car, bud, you be careful. Pray for safety, not uncommon in the church, part of revelation HF provided for us. Adversary will try to convince you that you aren't worthy to pray. Those who have bodies have power over spirits.

Keep your mind clear, your mind is in charge. Think of a hymn. When Cowdry failed to translate, he took no thought but to ask. Come to Lord with something, and ask if it is right. learn to pray always, pray and do something. Thy will be done. You will not be free from negative things; that's what we are here to learn on earth.

Scriptures promise there is no temptation but that which is common to man, not tempted above that which you are able.

Thomas Monson sustained first. He needs our prayers, has a tremendous load. Called of god and set apart. May the lord bless us to sustain him, let lord bless him.

Neil Anderson

He is humbled by serving with his teachers. This has been a time of fervent prayer. He has felt his love, testifies that he lives, that this is his holy work. We love Monson. Monson hugged him, he felt like a little boy being held by father. He thought of lord's invitation to be wrapped in his arms, arms of mercy are extended. Blessed are those who come unto me.

Arms are mighty, holy, mercy, safty. We have all felt these spiritual arms, forgiveness, love and comfort. Lord desires that we come unto him and REPENT.

When we sin, we turn away from god; repentance is turning back. Repentance isn't chastisement, it is loving and beckoning, reach up, change, keep commandments. We rejoice in the blessing of repenting, shapes how we think and feel.

There are many degrees of worthiness and righteousness, but we all need to be forgiven.

Faust grandma refilling woodbox. Regreting sins of omission. If you remember and regret something little like that, we shouldn't be surprised that we remember our sins. Lord will forget our forsaken sins, requires times, allows residue of mistakes to rest in our memory. As we repent and forsake, we are in the process of receiving forgiveness. We will feel anguish and guilt subside.

Those who are repentant, but cannot find relief, keep the commandments. Healing requires time. Consel with your bishop, he has power of discernment. Do not procrastinate repentance, it is never to late to repent in this life. Repentance blesses our family and posterity. Repentance always means greater happiness.

Anderson has felt power, and healing hand. His divine gift removes guilt and brings peace. He loves us, we are members, turn away from our sins.

Kent Watson

In response to JS inquiry, no one can help in work unless he's full of love. We must be temperate in all things. What is temperance? Restraint. Refraining from anger, not losing one's temper. Divine attribute of JC, it is a spiritual gift.

Temperance increases strength. Increased spiritual strength has self mastery, control anger, vanity and pride, protect ourselves from addictions, seek peace of mind. Peace of mind and happiness doesn't come from excess. We live in an impatient and intemperate world. It is like the community of religions in JS time. All their good feelings were entirely lost in strife of words and contest about opinions.

We need self control. Peace of mind comes from faith. Happiness comes from obeying commandments. JC was the most temperance. Saviour taugh that we should repent and become as child, come to our brothers, JC's kindness will not depart, be patient in affliction, govern your house in meekness. We can be comforted because JC was afflicted, but opened not his mouth (WTF? WE SHOULDN"T TRY TO CHANGE THINGS?). JC had enough self restraint to think of others. In humility, he said, glory be to the father. Finished preparation unto children of men.

He testifies of gospel to Asia. It is like the first latter-day saints of yesteryear. We are a fraction of 1% of the world population.

Temperence is available to us all.

Tad Callister

New testament: Oh thou of little faith, cut off ear, denied knowing saviour. If that is all you knew, you would think he was a scoundral, but it was really Peter.

Magnify minor weakness of prophet JS. He was the lords annointed to restore gospel. 4 fundamental truths: god and son are separate and distinct beings. JC following own will under different name?? That's silly. Bible confirms JS discovery.

Father and son have glorified bodies of flesh and bone. Death hath no dominion over JC. His body cannot be separated from Spirit cuz Paul said.

God still speaks to man, heavens are not closed. Does god love us today like he loved the people then? Does god have same power, do we need him as much? If god is the same, then god does speak to man today, like JS testified.

CHurch of JC was not then upon the earth. There were parts of the truth. There had to be a falling away before the restoration, line upon line. JS doctrine of teaching to dead. Restoration of biblical truth. Christ and spirit when into lower world to teach. There are multiple heavens.

JS put all pieces in place so people could understand purpose. Lord defined it clearly that this generation has word thru JS. Can we accept angels and visions of JS. Were there not angels in biblical times? JS saw visions because he was instrument in god's hands. Some are willing to set aside gospel truth because they GET DISTRACTED BY SCIENTIFIC OR HISTORICAL INFORMATION. EXCHANGE FAITH FOR MESS OF PORRIAGE. There will always be an intellectual crisis lurking on the horizon. Faith will provide our foundation.

Where would we go to find truth? JS restored all keys and powers. It is not found in any other church or philosophy of man, or thru intellectuals. Salvation is only found in one place, in our true and living church on faith of whole earth. JS is prophet of restoration.

Jorge Zeballos

I would that you should be perfect, as I am, as your father in heaven is perfect. Declare with authority that JC is model to be followed. This seems impossible at first. Appears possible when we realize we are not alone. We have powerful help available.

Heavenly father helps us. Always willing to forgive errors and weaknesses. He provides us consequences, atonement. JC was obedient to do father's will. Lord revealed to JS, if you keep my commandments and endure, you will have eternal life. We will be with father and families forever. Isn't this the greatest incentive? In the restoration, the lord said, serve with might mind and strength so you will stand blameless before god.

Blessings come to those who give all. Blessings subject to faith, obedience, and diligence. Lord doesn't expect too much. To be perfect encourages us to be our best, and realize our potential. He knows our capacities and limitations. The challenge to be perfect is for everyone. Man cannot run faster than he has strength. Win the prize thru diligence. God cannot accept less than our best. Let us always give the best we can.

Do the best we can in families and callings. Nothing is possible without atonement, we owe JC. We have to do our part; it is by grace we are saved after all we can do. Let us do all within our reach. Partake worthily of the sacrament. Do the best we can as spouses, parents, callings, in sharing the gospel, in rescuing those who have drifted (WTF? I AM NOT A DRIFTER).

Perfection can appear impossible, but saviour assures us it is possible. Gospel has been restored, JS restored church, we have prophets to direct us on road to return. Monson called, he is a prophet.

Robert Hales

Grateful for god and jesus and HG, living prophets. We live in a time when darkness of secularism is getting better; belief in god is attacked. Atheism is spreading. As members, we declare that we believe in god.

WHy is belif in god so important? WHy is it important to know god? WIthout god, life would end at grave, and life would be purposeless, valueless, meaningless, no right or wrong, no responsibility. Without god there would be no immortality or eternal life. If you seek meaning, he offers witness that god lives. Some may ask, "how can I know for myself?" We believe in testimony of prophets, believe in HG. From their testimonies, we know god created man in his own image. We look like god. Imagining god in form of man is idolotrous, but god himself said that we are created in his image. God taught that him and JC created together, but are separate and distinct. Eloheim is plural because of JC. Have a physical presence, behold I see the son of man on the right hand of god. Father and son have voices. Adam and Eve heard it. God has face, stand, converse. GOd and JC have bodies, and corresponding parts. Brother of Jared saw the finger of god. This body is the body of my spirit, but I will appear in the flesh. Father and son have feelings for us. God wept. They are immortal, glorified and perfected beings.

JS story. 14 years old, asked and recieved, in faith, nothing wavering. Joseph knelt in the grove. Pillar of light, two personages... etc. From this singular experience, and others, JS bore witness of the coporeality of god. Each of us have agency to chose. Article of Faith, let all worship how where and what they may. How do we know what really is true? We can know by HG, personage of spirit, teach us all things. We must be careful not to constrain his influence. When our outlook is dominated by skepticism and irreverence, the spirit cannot be with us. We are then the natural man, who cannot recieve the things from the spirit of god. Natural man is an enemy to god, unless he yeilds and becomes as a child. If we don't yeild to HG, we stand in danger. If you ridicule the saviour, or mock the believers, Korihor story. Listen carefully: thou hast had signs enough. Don't seek after signs. He admits that he always knew there was a god. You might not understand all his ways, but the light of belief is in everyone, light of christ. COme, believe testimony of prophets, pattern is clearly taught by prophets. Cultivate diligent desire to know. Ponder, let evidence soften our hearts, heed call to search scriptures, then we can ask HF if these things are true. Most of us will not see god AS THE PROPHETS HAVE, but we get thoughts and feelings, will give us knowledge that he lives. This is our quest. If you cannot remember believing in god, or if you have ceased, seek a testimony of god know. It will give you strength and peace, it is eternally worthwhile. With your testeimony, you can bless everyone around you. Knowledge of god is greatest gift and greatest love.

If you seek him in humility and diligence, your witness will come, and you will know blessings.

Dallin Oaks

God's love and commandments are shown in all the blessing of the gospel plan. Best blessings reserved for those who obey.

Example: YA living with partner, tells children they should accept him. If you really love me, you wouldn't force me. Person violating commandments wants to say that parental love overrides commandments.

IT DOES!!!! Parents love us anywhichway. Right???? God loves us, even when we sin. WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT???

People don't understand the nature of god's love. Love of god does not supercede is laws and commandments. Same should be true of parental love and rules. Nothing can separate us from god's love. John says that "god so loved the world..." "god spared not his son, but delivered him up for us all." Greatest evidence of his love for us... love is the greatest reality.

God's love=god's laws. People hope that his love is unconditional... those who understand that his laws are invariable. Mercy cannot rob justice. You cannot get mercy unless you obey his commandments. God instituted laws so people could advance. GOd's love is so perfect that he requires us to obey. We can't be perfect without obedience. God's wrath is evidence of love.

Gifts to those who disobey; universal resurrection, mortality, rain, sun, we all get gifts even when we are disobedient. Women recently returned to church activity: god is always there, tender mercies, to angry to see.

God's choicest blessings contingent upon obedience: law all blessings are predicated; any blessing is conditional upon obedience. Justice, mercy, balance. God cannot forestall agency; it is fundamental to gospel plan. God can't protect you from others; it would destroy his plan. God's love can't supercede his commandments.

Not everyone that says Lord will be saved; only those that do the will of father in heaven. Law is not changed to accomodate popularity. That which breaketh the law, abides in sin, cannot be sanctified by anything. They will remain filthy still.

All kingdoms have a law given. Final kingdom is assigned by law to qualify us for eternal life. In teaching their children, parents can apply these principles. Parents provide things to children contingent upon their obedience. Does parental love allow alcohol in their home? If an adult child is living in sin, should we ignore or let them feel disapproval? Both extremes are inappropriate. You need heavenly guidance. Parents should go out and rescue the lost sheep. We need to rescue our lost sheep. Continued loving concern. Remember that who lord love, he chastens. Real love for sinner will cause confrontation. Does not support self destruction.

Breaking commandments WILL impact loving family relationships. Lord will cause division. We do all that we can to avoid impairing loving relationships. Endure the reality that loved one's straying will detract from our happiness. We need to understand god's love and god's law.

Sustaining Vote

I don't know; this always kind of irritates me. It's like the appearance of democracy without the messy fairness of democracy. If the church was really a democracy, there wouldn't be the nepotism. If there was really a democracy, church members would know what happened to their tithing money. Members would be able to VOTE if they wanted THEIR money spent on a mall. Members would be able to turn down callings with impunity, or at least without being chastised by local and general leaders.

I also think it is super lame that general authorities are authorities for life. Old people, senile people, sick, dying, geriatric people should not be leading the church. People without all their faculties. I guess I could say men, not people, because it's not like women are even important enough to mention by name in this kangaroo sustaining vote.

And then they have the gall to thank members for something they have no say in.

Dieter Uchtdorf

Church is continually growing and becoming better known. There are still negative sterotypes, but most see honest and hardworking who don't smoke or drink. We attend church every Sunday for three hours, children sing about streams that talk and want to be sunbeams.

Of all the things we want to be known for, are there attributes above all others to set us apart as disciples?

How do we become true disciples of JC? Savior provided answer: if you love me, keep my commandments. Those who receive Christ, walk with him. There are so many commandments; keeping track of them can be a challenge. Deluding purity of divine truth; what works for one person becomes an expectation. Eternal principles can get lost within labrynth of good ideas. JC chastised for attending to minor details while neglecting weightier matters. Is there a compass for prioritizing? Yes, saviour revealed the way. Greatest commandments: love god, and love neighbor as thyself. We have a compass for direction for our lives and our church.

Love is the great commandment, it ought to be at the center of our family, callings, livelihood. Love is healing balm, repairs rifts, unites, power of friendship, tolerance, respect, overcomes divisiveness. Warms our lives with divine hope. Should be our walk and our talk. Love as JC loves us, our confusion clears. We walk joyfully as disciples of Christ. We have better relationships, take joy in obedience. Why should we love god? He doesn't need us to love him. He is not diminished without us. He is all powerful independant of us. We need to love god. What we love determines what we seek, determines what we think and do, determines who we are and who we will become.

We are god's spirit children, we have vast capacity to love. What and how we love defines us as a church. Love is the defining characteristic of disciples. Love is source of highest bliss and heaviest burdens. You will find the love of wrong things and the heart of sadness. Greatest of good things is god. HF gives us much more than we can understand.

Jehovah created this world. God watches over us, gives us joy, peace, knowledge... shephards us, rejoices with us, answers our righteous prayers. Offers promises glorious and existance forever. Progress to fullness of joy. Promised us all that he has. We should love him. We love him because he first loved us.

Why does HF love us? He has an infinite amount of love for you. God does not look on outward appearance or fame or rich. We are incomplete, god loves us completely, perfectly, god's love encompasses us. He loves us because he is filled with love. We are his children. Even those who are flawed, rejected, broken. Great love to love proud selfish arrogant wicked. Regardless of current state, we have hope. Infinitely compassionate god desires that we draw near to him.

How can we increase our love for god? Approach him more closely. We must seek that which is imperceptible. Heaven seems distant; scriptures offer hope. Search for him with all your heart. Not just offering prayer; we keep his commandments! If we don't obey him, all is in vain. If you say you love god and don't follow his commandments, you are a liar. Align our thoughts and actions with gods word. Become more pure and holy, walk in righteousness. Earnest desire to become like him because we love him. We can become born again and cleansed by blood of god. Enjoy the words of eternal life.

Don't get discouraged if you stumble. Don't dispair if you don't feel worthy all the time. Try to walk in righteousness, learn, study the words of prophets, listen to the father, do what he asks. Try and keep on trying, until what is difficult becomes possible. It will become habit and a real part of you.

How can we hear fathers voice? Pray in the name of Christ. He speaks to us everywhere. The scriptures have his voice. Listen for his voice in this conference. Listen for his voice in temple and at church. Listen for his voice in nature and in the spirit, in laughter of child, in words of a hymn. God will lead you on a course to the pure love of Christ. As we draw near to him, we become more holy, filled with light. It leads us out of darkness and towards greater light of HG and the veil can be thin.

Why is love the great commandment. HF love is the core message of plan of happiness, active through atonement, greatest expression of love. Saviour was clear about everything hanging upon principle of love. If we love fellow man, all else will fall into place. Divine love transports words into scripture. Factor that turns compliance into dedication and consecration. It is the divining light, fills us with life meaning and wonder, the measure of our faith, altitude of our discipleship.

God lives, knows and loves you, hears your prayers, knows your heart, filled with love for you. What attribute should define us as members of the COJCOLDS? Let us be known as a people who love god and love our neighbor as ourselves. When we understand and practice this everywhere, we will begin to understand what it means to be a true disciple of JC.

David Bednar

JS recieved revelation to set families in order. Become more diligent and concerned at home.

Express love and show it!
Tell those that we love that we love them. Sincerely and frequently. Love your eternal companion, express love to children and to parents. That love should be reflected in our actions. We strive to know more and do more of what we know is right. I love you: say it, mean it, show it.

People around us must know how much we love them. We will never regret affection or kindness; we will regret its lack. Expression of love in testimony: spouse and children should not be hearing of love at church. It should be regular and routine. If expression of love is surprising, we need to be more diligent.

Love and action is talked about in scriptures: if you love me, keep my commandments. Our love is reflected in thoughts, words, and deeds. Security and constancy in love is a blessing. Nurtures and sustains faith in god. Casts out fear. Desire of every human soul.

Bear testimony and live it!
Bear testimony at home of those things we know to be true. Doesn't need to be long or eloquent. Don't need to do it just at F&T. We should do it at home: testimony of god and restoration. When was the last time you bore testimony to family?

We all know we should bear testimony; not always reflected in what we do. We can feel unsure, awkward or embarrassed. Do more of what we know is right. Bearing testimony: bear it, mean it, live it. Declare and live our testimonies. Saviour instructed saints in Kirtland. What god says we should do. Our testimonies are proclaimed and lived best in our own homes. Overcome fear of bearing testimony. Create opportunities to bear testimony. As we profess truth, we invite HG to confirm our words. Power of testimony comes from revelation, conveyed by HG. It is a blessing, provides direction, generates light, source of eternal perspective, enduring peace.

Be consistent!
Regular family prayer, scripture study, and FHE. Kids bicker. Won't always yield immediate results. As a family, we were consistant. Understanding specifics isn't the goal. The goal is the consistency of intent. Painting of wheatfield. Vast collection of great number of strokes. Seamingly unrelated and uninteresting. Move away from the canvas to see the landscape. Ordinary creates captivating and beautiful. Each episode of prayer, study, and FHE is a brushstroke on the canvas of our souls. Produce an expressive masterpiece. Small and simple things can result in significant spiritual results. Lay foundation of great work, become more diligent and concerned in own homes.

Many of the saviours harshest rebukes directed toward hypocrites: those that say and do now. Hypocrasy in our lives causes greatest distruction in our homes. Children recognize hypocrasy best. Undermines foundation of a great work. We need to be and become more consistent. Be an example of the believers.

As we seek the lords help, we can reduce the disparity between what we say and what we do. We can become better at home, learn live and love gospel of JC. Family is central, man and woman (homophobic plug there. Any other marriage is NOT ordained of god). We will never be left alone. God and JC live, know us and our circumstances. They will help us.

Russell Osguthorpe

When he was a mission president, his son had to go save some lives. Saves children from awful diseases. Missionaries save spiritual lives of those they teach. We are saved when we are taught, when we recieve and act upon it. Save lives by sharing the gospel. Teach principles, invite others to use that principle, bear witness of it. Key doctrine, invitation to action, recieve promised blessings. Teaching. No greater call. Prepare to teach, draw upon spirit as you teach.

Lessons on selfless service, invite people to action. close the manual and open eyes, ears and hearts to the message of god. Close the manual and invite others to live the gospel. We don't pour info into members; we want to inspire others to live gospel principles. Moroni taught JS that god had a work for him to do; JS name would be known throughout the world. We are all teaching future leaders of the church, invite learners to do the work god has for you.

We all have a part in the program. He forgot the words for primary programs. When a call comes, YOU ACCEPT IT, no matter how inadequate you feel. Leaders will help you prepare. Teachers can save lives.

Aim High! Stretch yourself, reach higher. Invitation to serve, do better. Teachers should have a work for us to do. We should live gospel principles.

Russell served a mission in Tahiti. Had to learn French and Tahitian. He was on the verge of giving up. Heard a voice, old Tahitian woman. Understood that the old woman wanted to teach hom Tahitian. Their meetings helped him learn the language. She had confidence in him. Taught him the first principle of the gospel: FAITH. You have to rely on the lord. She helped save his mission and his life.

Teach by persuasion, kindness, longsuffering, love, virtue. The HG was with them. Teacher inspires others. Do you prepare then teach. Do you focus on a key doctrine of restoration. HF and savior. When inspiration comes, close manual. Express confidence in them so they can't refuse invitation. Learning and teaching are not optional in kingdom of god. We will gain eternal life, gain a testimony. No one can be saved in ignorance.

JS opened this dispensation, he asked questions, got answers, taught. Monson is lord's mouthpiece. He learns and teaches just like Joseph. Teaching saves lives.

Whitney Clayton

Walked at dawn thru Peru. Saw man carrying firewood, steadied load with a rope around his head. Leaned forward, and walked deliberately. He made 2 or 3 round trips with the load. That memory has become meaningful. How long could he carry such burdens?

Life gives us burdens. People struggle with burdens that tax our souls, they can continue for years. 3 Sources of burdens: natural products of world in which we live... natural disasters. Others are imposed on us because of others: sin, incorrect traditions, crime, gossip, unkindness. Others are because of our own mistakes and misdeeds: burden of sin. Failure to keep the commandments.

No matter what burdens we have, HF loves us, and adversity can help us return to him. This life is but a small moment, if we endure it well, god will exalt us.

Burdens provide opportunities to practice virtues. You can yeild to enticings of holy spirit. Become as a child. Submissive, meek, full of love. Burdens = Blessings. They can be disguised.

Example: Adam, cursed shall be the ground for thy sake. Work is a burden and blessing. Teaches us lessons thru sweat.

Example: Alma saw poverty can humble people, make them ready to hear the word. That's why missionaries convert the poor.

Example: Nephites softened by war, forced to be humble. Social and political disorder can humble us, motivate us to heavenly shelter.

Example: JS was persecuted for experience.

Value in suffering at hands of others. Bearing up under our burdens can develop our empathy. Bear one another's burdens. Baptismal covenants require it. Mourn and comfort. Helping others will ease our own burdens, helps us stand on holy ground. Inasmuch as you have done this to the least of these, my brethern, you have done it unto me.

Saviour offers us strength, support, deliverance.

Community Helam. Only god could deliver. They were slaves with tasks and taskmasters. People poured their hearts to god. Obedience to god, they were delivered in stages. Eased their burdens so they could stand as witnesses. God visits his people in their afflictions. Lord strengthened them. People submitted cheerfully and with patience. Be of good comfort, lord will deliver. Saviour offers us deliverance from our sins. JC suffered according to the flesh so he could deliver. Christ suffered so we don't have to. We can have forgiveness. Who repents will find mercy.

Peruvian man is the image of us all. As we turn to god, he will help us, forgive us, and bless us. Let us submit cheerfully and patiently to the will of the lord.

Viki Matsumori

She's in the primary presidency.

Story of missionaries, HT, YW impressed to stay home.

How do missionaries know to stop by the house of someone who has prayed? They are guided by influence of holy ghost. Members of church are guided by the spirit. Each person can recognize spirti. We can learn better by listening to other's testimonies, and be in a good environment. We have to help other people understand, especially our children: classroom, home, missionary discussion. Spirit of Christ is for everyone, constant companionship of HG is only for worthy members.

Spirit doesn't dwell in unholy temples, let virtue garnish our thoughts. Prophets teach that god will tell us in heart and mind, HG will dwell in ourhearts. Peace, hope, joy, light. It feels like sunshine.

It's not always easy to discern them at first. Sometimes you can be baptized with fire and the HG and know it not. We need to share our experiences. There are some that are too sacred to relate. However, we need to share what we can to help others. She waited to feel different when she got baptized and confirmed: she felt no different. It wasn't until the day after at F&T, when she heard someone's testimony, she felt a flood of warmth. Peace, distinct feeling of HF being pleased.

Some places are easier to feel the spirit: temples, church. We need to produce environment at home and church where the spirit is comfortable. Spirit is a still smal voice. We need quiet in our lives. Be still and know that I am god. Still time each day to feel spirit, away from technology. Technology apparently blocks the spirit.

Environment at church. Leaders do more than teach: they facilitate whisperings of spirit to each memeber. Help them recognize and get spirit. Spirit feels like being wrapped in a blanket. Less actives will be inspired by these lessons. Let's get our less actives back to church. When we understand whisperings, we will be able to hear, and know what we should do. We will know how to live the gospel. We will be guided and protected. We will feel HG witness to us.

God lives, loves us, knows us, hears us, answers us. Christ is savior, atone-er. Testimony is firm because of HG.

Richard Scott

Necesity of being dependant on the spirit to guide us. Seek personal inspiration in big decisions. What can we do to enhance our communication with the spirit? What are the barriers. God knows that we have to seek divine guidance.

Power beyond your own capability. Use it consistently for your peace and happiness. There is no simple formula for spiritual guidance. Exercise faith in God and JC. If we got guidance whenever we asked, we'd become weak. Strength comes thru struggle. Confidence in Holy Ghost become stronger. Impressions you feel become more certain. Spirituality: inspiration to know what to do, and power or capacity to do it. These come together. Nephi: I will go and do. He knew the spiritual laws are god answers, spiritual direction, exercise faith.

One sunday he attended meeting in NM. Mexican priesthood leaders are so eager to share the gospel, sharing with the members. Sincerity, intent and love. Scott was deeply touched. He recieved personal revelation about the principles taught that day. As each impression came, he wrote it down. he was given precious news he deeply needed to be a better leader. The exact words are sacared.

Sunday school class in our ward, educated leader presented his message. The instructor had purposely chosen obscure references and unusual examples. He did not seem as intent on communicating principles. In that environment, specific inspiration began to flow: how to become more effective communicator.

Record powerful impressions: evaluate them for accuracy.

Scott prays, feeling of peace, thank for guidance from god, is there yet more to be given, further impressions, ponder, pray, repeat. Lather, rinse, repeat. Is there more?

He recieved precious, specific personal direction. Seek always for guidance.

These experiences aren't isolated. Principles of communication with god. If you don't respond and apply the promptings, god will stop revelation. The lord reveals truth when you are not actively seeking it. The lord will not force you to learn. You have agency to authorize spirit to teach you. Exercise and you will be more perceptive to guidance.

Spirit can be masked by strong negative emotion. You can't have grape and jalepeno at the same time. Strong emotions overcome delicate promptings of holy spirit.

Warning: satan tempts to block spirit. Satan is after you. He will convince you that you cannot recieve revelation. He will use PORN. Onslaught of porn, vicious, corroding, destroy marraige. FEAR MONGER< FEAR MONGER. TV, computer, movie, writing. It's addictive and damaging. It is potent. It will destroy your mind and heart. Seductive tantalizing, immoral destructive. You need help to overcome. Begins with curiousity, stimulation, justification, false idea that it does no harm, expirimentation, trap closes.... vicious. Participation in porn is manifestation of unbridled selfishness. How can a man not think of his wife? Nephi: devil will pacify and lull them to carnel security, carefully down to hell.

If you are ensnared in porn, overcome it now. Pray for help, be patient and obedient. Porn can begin with youth. Take preventative action. Bishops and SP need to tell people about it. Have patience to be lead by the spirit. Be sensitive to feelings.

Lord can speak to your mind and heart. Impressions can be general feelings, or it can be clear and unmistakable, spiritual dictation. As you pray with fervor, humility, gratitude, you can be consistently guided by HG. Crucible of his life? (How the hell is his life a crucible?) Savior can help you resolve your challenges.

Conference weekend

Once again, it is time for General Conference. I am on pins and needles. What will they talk about? Global warming? The need for religious and ethnic tolerance? Charity? World hunger? Darfur?

I would wager they will talk about pornography, tithing and temples. More than once. Oh, and how righteous the mormons are.

Monday, August 31, 2009


This weekend my niece got baptized. She is eight years old, and therefore deemed capable of making spiritual decisions of eternal consequence. She was beautiful, looking very much like her mother. Baptism means two new outfits; my niece is every inch a girly girl. Her mother made her the baptism dress, and she bought a frilly white gauzy thing for after. In a home where new clothes are rare, this means a lot.

She was beautiful and excited. The speakers kept on talking to her about choice, and her confirmation blessing talked about all the choices she will make. Two thoughts on this:
a) How can an 8-year-old make choices with eternal ramifications
b) How much choice can there be when it is your ONLY choice growing up in a TBM family?

I left the church when I was 22, and that was a choice that I could only make while living 3,000 miles from my believing family. It was difficult to cut through everything to what I wanted. All that year, I would do these meditating exercises where I would get to the core of me. I would take away what school had taught me, what society had taught me, what my family wanted, what my church wanted (that one was always last, and the most difficult to cut through). When I got to the core of me, I was happy. I was a happy idiot.

Describing this to my mormon roommate was an exercise in futility. She kept on insisting that THIS was my testimony, this is what god wanted me to find: the happy, obedient idiot.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Influence of Righteous Women, p. 4

In September's Ensign, the church did something special. I know they don't want their women to feel left out or neglected or unappreciated.

The article starts out with all the women in the scriptures: the mothers, the wives, and the "ideal wife" in Proverbs. Uchtdorf mentions that all our women, "grandmothers, aunts, mothers, and friends" are so important in the lives of our youth. Without the mothers, the church would die. Women need to stand strong for that which is correct. Hinkley then lays out what exactly women can do:
Stand for righteousness in their homes
Teach in their classes
Voice righteousness in their communities

So, a woman's role is relegated to home, church, and carefully controlled community activities. Women need to be an example, not by fulfilling themselves, but what they watch and how they dress.

Also, a woman has a unique and feminine identity that encourages women to develop their abilities. How do women develop themselves? College? thinking? working? doing that which they chose to do?


You serve. In relief society. In young womens. In primary. Oh, and in private. You can care for the poor and sick, teach children, serve missions.

The gifts of women are so diverse (look how many ways you can serve!).

The article states that "Latter-day saint women are encouraged to acquire an education and training that will qualify them both for homemaking and raising a righteous family and for earning a living outside the home.... IF THE OCCASION REQUIRES."

I hate that caveat. It's on everything about women... get an education, if the situation requires. You should only work outside the home, if it is absolutely necessary. And throw in with the ever-present caveat stories like the one from LAST month's issue of the Ensign: a women has to BEG heavenly father for FORGIVENESS for wanting to work outside the home and getting PISSED when she comes home from work and expected to do all the child care and cleaning when her husband apparently does jack shit. SHE has to ask for forgiveness and pray to god that she can be back home full time.

So, women's purpose is "to make life sweet today, to give contentment to the heart today, to bring salvation today." Especially in the FLDS church, there is a huge emphasis on staying sweet. It's not as pronounced in mainstream mormonism, but you can bet your ass it's there.

Also, the article says things like "as you live up to this mission, in whatever life circumstance you find yourself--as a wife, as a mother, as a single mother, as a divorced woman, as a widowed or single woman..." it's like a fucking hierarchy... and like your value is determined by relation to either husband or children.

MY GOD!!! So, SO irritating. Articles like these appear in every publication of the church, on a regular basis. But the church isn't misogynistic. Riiiiight....

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Polygamy: Take II

There is a lot of disagreement in the church about what polygamy is, how it should be practiced, whether or not it was righteous, if it is for everyone (see here and here)

There is a reason that of questioners of mormonism, it is the women who are hit the hardest by polygamy. Men overwhelmingly are not bothered by the doctrine of polygamy: they don't mind that for the first 70-80 years of the church, polygamy was preached as absolutely necessary to exaltation. Many men think "why would a man want the headache of more than one wife, and the accompanying jealousy, infighting, backbiting, etc." So they can disagree with polygamy on principle, but not beyond that.

Women, on the other hand, feel polygamy on a visceral level. Women can empathize with other women being put in a situation where they HAD to bow to their husbands to such a degree that they had to share him, not question the nights when he slept with his other wives, work within a vicious hierarchy, operate under the knowledge that they could be "given" to other men if deemed necessary or appropriate by the "prophet." Even good faithful mormon women don't think about polygamy more than absolutely required (correlation helps with this: no one talks about polygamy, so no one has to think about polygamy). I have heard faithful mormon women say that they are grateful that polygamy isn't something that is required of them, and if it were, god would strengthen them.

On online support groups, men who are trying to get sympathy from believing wives are always advised to push the polygamy issue. Nearly every woman, no matter how believing she is, can get riled up about the blatant disregard of women's rights, and/or feelings. Men are generally convinced by logical arguments about the historicy of the Book of Mormon, or something equally logical.

It just really bothers me that the church doesn't talk about it, and because they don't, there is no consensus on any of these issues. You can't even talk about it because mormons can always come back with "that's not right. That's not what we believe." And you can't really argue it, because NO ONE knows what is mormon doctrine, not even the mormons.

I just wish the church would be clear, so that tearing it apart would be that much easier. Maybe the fact that nothing that they believe is clear proves that it is not true; who wants to follow a god who is confused about what his people should believe?

Saturday, August 1, 2009


So, July was apparently a total loss for blogging. I guess I didn't have much interaction n with the church during that time, or nothing incensed me too much. Oh, except for two things:

I went to a ward party. And OMG are those things dour or what??!? My brother had made dutch oven brisket, and the only way I could have some is if I followed him down the street to the park. There were cars lining up and down the street. One of the men in the bishopric had a hat with a fan built in. God, those are awful.

I didn't socialize. I got my food and sat by my family. I am still falling under the radar, after my brother told the first counselor that I think I am an agnostic. I hope that being left alone holds.

There was an incident in the church plaza where two homosexual men kissed and got thrown out of the plaza. It is fine to have private property where you dictate everyone's actions; but then it cannot be a public thouroughfare. I just want the church to make up its mind. It's just more bad press for mormonism.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Introduction to the Young Women's manual

I think that teaching girls that they are less than boys is damaging. I think that putting all girls into a one-size-fits-all box creates a culture in which girls do not have all the knowledge and information that they should. I am not saying that the church doesn't do this to everyone accross the board. I'm not saying that the church doesn't have other damaging aspects. I'm not saying that the church is all bad for every female everywhere.

What I'm trying to do with this young women's series is demonstrate a systematic approach on the part of the church (whether it's conscious or unconscious, whether it's god directed, or man made) to delegate young women to a very specific role. The party line is that the church values women the same as men, that women might even be more righteous, that women can have a career and education.

I disagree. I don't think the practices or the materials of the church advocate a variety of values or lifestyles. I think it is constricting, and anyone who doesn't fall into the 'right' pattern is subject to self and institutional guilt.

Find the complete unaltered text here.

Elder M. Russell Ballard counseled, “Teachers would be well advised to study carefully the scriptures and their manuals before reaching out for supplemental materials. Far too many teachers seem to stray from the approved curriculum materials without fully reviewing them. If teachers feel a need to use some good supplemental resources beyond the scriptures and manuals in presenting a lesson, they should first consider the use of the Church magazines”

Of course, no manual would be complete without an admonition to not read other sources. The church is heavy into control of information; if you don't find what you need in the approved cirricula, you are not looking hard enough. And if you HAVE to go outside our counsel, use this pre-approved and carefully edited alternative.

Unit teaching involves repetition, in-depth study, and learning about related principles until they are understood and applied daily. They are serious about the repetition. You will learn how to be a better homemaker 20 times in the year.


Living as a Daughter of God

There is a song about being a daughter of god, admonishing that if we only remembered who we were, we would "walk tall" and "be strong," and other vaguely positive things. And if you are a daughter of god, you don't want to disappoint him; I imagine heavenly parental guilt is epic.

Fulfilling Women’s Divine Roles

Read: Motherhood. Be a wife and a mother. Your divine role is not to be self-actualized, it is not to be happy: your goal and path is wife and mother. Period. End of story.

Contributing to Family Life

Read: support your husband. Because you can't have a family if you are not a wife and mother. See above.

Learning about the Priesthood

...which is more important than anything you have. Woman are taught to read the male culture but not the other way around.

Sometimes a young woman may give the correct answer in her own words without turning to the passage of scripture. When this occurs, ask additional questions to get her to read the scripture; for example, “How did Paul say it?” or “What additional insights can we gain from this passage?” Before you can get the young women excited about searching the scriptures, you must become excited about them yourself. Prepare yourself through in-depth study, prayer, and meditation on those passages you expect class members to read and discuss.

This very nearly made me shit a brick. I checked the young men's manual, only to find nothing remotely similar. Make sure that the young woman knows that what she thinks, how SHE says things, is not as important as an authority greater than herself.

Lesson Application. This is a suggestion for a specific plan of action, assignment, or goal to help each young woman use the discussed principle in her life. (When appropriate, you could provide time at the beginning of the next class period for the young women to share their experiences. You may stimulate this brief exchange by saying, “Last week we talked about ______________. Did you try it? How did you feel about it?” If the young women do not respond at first, you may say, “I tried it, and this was my experience.” By sharing your positive experiences, you can help the young women learn how to apply the principles in their lives.)

Please help us to take this lesson and apply it in our daily lives....

The best way to help each young woman is to help her learn and live the gospel. President Marion G. Romney counseled: “Learning the gospel from the written word, however, is not enough. It must also be lived. As a matter of fact, getting a knowledge of the gospel and living it are interdependent. They go hand in hand. One cannot fully learn the gospel without living it. A knowledge of the gospel comes by degrees: one learns a little, obeys what he learns; learns a little more and obeys that. This cycle continues in an endless round. Such is the pattern by which one can move on to a full knowledge of the gospel” (“Records of Great Worth,” Ensign, Sept. 1980, p. 4).

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Short Creek/Colorado City/Hilldale

The city so nice, they named it thrice. Short Creek is a little town right on the border between Utah and Arizona filled with fundamentalist mormons. It has recently become more popular because it was the home of Warren Jeffs for a while, and Under the Banner of Heaven talks a lot about the town and beliefs.

My boyfriend thinks mormonism in general is fascinating, and fundamental mormonism is beyond imagining, so we took a road trip down to southern Utah. We drove through a lot of nothing to get there (stopping off in Hurricane to visit their history museum), and turned off the main road just to drive around. Mark immediately pulled out his camera and started taking pictures.

Each house was oversized, like obviously oversized. And all were unfinished: an unpainted wall here, a partially built add on there. It's something to do with the taxes... you can't tax and unfinished house, so every building in Short Creek is perpetually under construction. The walls around the houses (compounds?) were all at least 10 feet tall. Some even looked like fortresses.

Mark stopped to get gas, and I took a perverse pleasure getting out and cleaning the windsheild IN A TANK TOP. I also went inside to get a drink, and it wasn't until I was walking out that I saw the sign: no shoes, no shirt, no service--T-SHIRT MINIMUM.

We stopped at the local eatery to get lunch, and this time I threw on a sweater. I respect the fact that a shoulder apparently sends the FLDS into a frenzy of lust. Mark got a Navajo taco (his first time eating one. Crazy New Yorkers), and I got a club that was A LOT of sandwich. We spent some time people watching.

The most obvious thing is the amount of skin that is to be covered. The fundamentalist mormons didn't alter the garment of the holy priesthood since JS originally designed it, so their underwear goes to their wrists and to their ankles. It used to be that children and those not yet married could get away with to the knees and t-shirts, but some over-zealous prophet (Rulon? Warren?) decided that children too must be modest. This means that in the heat of the Arizona/Utah sun, men are in button down long sleeve shirts, and the women are in long skirts with pants (PANTS!!!) underneath.

The next most obvious thing is the hair. All women wear a single braid down their back, with a bump in the front. The higher the hair, the closer to god. The women all have the same look, and even the young ones are carrying children (their kids, or younger siblings? It's hard to tell).

It was commodities day, so families lined up at the local (church? community center? watering hole?) to gather things like food and toiletries. Oversized vehicles filled the street in front of the area, and bored children tried to entertain themselves or escape the heat.

The city of Short Creek is surreal for a lot of reasons, not the least of which that a half step to the right, mormonism could be fundamentalism, and I could have been one of those women.

Young womens values part 5: Choice and accountability

With my new-found atheist viewpoint, I find this value the most ironic. Perhaps the most foundational tenents of the gospel is obedience, be ye as a little child. Submit to god (read: the church) as a child submits to his father.

The idea of choice and accountability actually goes against practices in the church. THe church is designed to take those choices away from you: you make the choice to be in the church, and you never have to think about another decision ever again. The answers are already laid out. There is no extenuating circumstances that allow you to drink alcohol; no reason for you to drink coffee. You CANNOT be alone in a car with a member of the opposite sex from the ward (even if you are both grown-ass adults). Every decision possible has an answer; if you don't have an answer, consult your bishop, and he will get on his batphone to god and tell you what to do.

The church teaches it's members this polarized, absolutest value system, but follows a flexible, situational morality itself. Members are accountable to the extent that any given priesthood authority decides they are; the church, however, is infallible. Any "sinning" member will be brought before a court of love (read: kangaroo court) to be tried and sentenced, their eternal soul hanging in the balance. In this court, priesthood authorities can ask whatever questions they'd like, probe for more information, bring in any witness who recognizes their authority, confer, exclude the accused, ignore the accused, disregard proof, find someone guilty based on their discernment and the spirit that god gives them. That doesn't work both ways--members are not supposed to ask questions, look into the history, inquire, probe, test, analyze, read, study, draw conclusions based on evidence. I was told that facts don't convert you: the spirit converts you. You can't reason yourself into the church. I always heard (and said, god help me), "if I wasn't born into the church, I never would have converted. God knew me well enough to put me into the church so that I could be a believer and be saved."

Mormons are required to disclose financial information; the church hasn't disclosed finances for half a century. The church demands money from its members, but access to the church welfare system can be as fickle as the bishop's mood. The church feels free to take time, talents, money from its members, based on the needs of the church; members are not allowed to chose what works in their life and what doesn't.

The church teaches that one size fits all. There is one path, one way, one life. It's the straight and narrow, praying to god, following jesus' example. THere is no concession made for culture, situation, preference, learning styles, etc etc etc. The church points out that the church is the perfect democracy, discriminating against no one because everyone is treated the same. Or they are discriminating against everyone equally; I'm not sure this is a strong position to argue from. There is no choice, no catering to the needs of the people. The members are there for the church, for the spiritual/temporal needs of the church, not the other way around.

In the church, you can really turn your mind off. This has been the most apparent to me as I go back with my new perspective:

I am 22, called as the stake single's representative. I joke that it is because if it wasn't my calling, I wouldn't go. I hate it.

I walk into sacrament meeting, walk past the wooden benches filled with screaming kids, interchangeably blank women, men in their suits getting their back scratched by their loving wife/girlfriend. Kids pass notes or color or lay on the floor or glaze over at the monotony. I go to the raised stand, where only the bishopric regularly sits (if there is a woman on the stand, she is either there for a time-bound purpose like giving a talk, or she is the chorister or pianist. Men lead the meetings; women lead the music... under the direction of the men).

I sit down, and look out over the congregation, trying to catch someone's eye; it's harder than I expect. People tend to look anywhere but the speaker, do anything but listen. During my talk, all my jokes don't even get a courtesy laugh (apply your sin screen both regularly and liberally).

I sit in my young single adults class. The teachers are young and rich and righteous, displaying all the necessary children and financial success. He will eventually become a bishop. The answer to every question is pray or obey the prophet or read your scriptures or pay your tithing or listen to the spirit. It's a running joke in the church, that read your scriptures and go to church are always the answer; no one thinks about the disturbing implications of the undeniable pattern.

The answer is never to do things differently; the answer is to do it MORE. If you find the temple ceremony disturbing or uncomfortable, go do a session more often, every week until you get spiritual enlightenment from it. If you don't believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet, read the Book of Mormon until you do. If you don't believe in the prophet's mandate that you not watch rated R movies, don't watch rated R movies until you get a testimony of it. If you don't believe that your priesthood authorities can mandate your sexuality, accept their sexual mandates until you do believe it. "You will never get a testimony of something until you do it."

Thinking is not required in regurgitation, but there is nothing else required by the church. You don't even have to be able to articulate it; you just have to do it. It wasn't until I stopped paying my tithing that the church came to find me.

This follow the prophet mentality isn't something outdated; it is something that is taught in general conference every session:
>>Sometimes we may not always be able to immediately find the desired way before us, but the wisdom of those who have gone before, coupled with the wisdom of those who are with us still, will be our guide if we let them have the reins.
>>Important admonition has been given in general conferences of yesteryear and will continue to be expounded by those who have the wisdom of ages past, which allows our hearts to burn within us. It will be in following such counsel that we must be strong, never give up, and endure to the end.
>>“You may not like what comes from the authority of the Church. It may contradict your political views . . . [or] your social views. It may interfere with some of your social life. But if [we] listen to these things, as if from the mouth of the Lord himself, with patience and faith, the promise is that . . . ‘the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and his name’s glory’.”

>>like other faculties, our consciences may become inert through sin or misuse.9 If we become desensitized to the things of God in our lives, we too lose reception of the signal needed to guide us. Keeping the commandments is our best assurance to maintain a strong signal with the Divine.
>>as we abide by the teachings we have received, we will make good choices, we will not be lost, and we will reach our eternal home...

>>As Church members, we have recently received counsel from modern-day prophets which, if followed, will turn the doors of our homes more fully towards the temple.
>>the Lord has established standards through His servants, the prophets.

>>Some say “I didn’t learn anything today” or “No one was friendly to me” or “I was offended” or “The Church is not filling my needs.” All those answers are self-centered, and all retard spiritual growth.
>>when anyone obtains any blessing from God, it is by obedience to the law on which that blessing is predicated.

>>First, follow the prophets. Listen to and abide by the counsel of the Brethren. Prophets often raise a voice of warning but also provide steady, pragmatic counsel to help us weather the storms of life. In the opening section of the Doctrine and Covenants, the Lord reminds us, “Whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same” (D&C 1:38). Prophets help us confront the changes and challenges we constantly face. The popular Primary song “Follow the Prophet”reminds us of this important principle: “We can get direction all along our way, if we heed the prophets—follow what they say” (Children’s Songbook, 110).

Then mormons have the gall to say that mormons can think for themselves, that they are encouraged to pray and receive their own revelations. Mormons will tell you that there isn't an emphasis on following the prophets, that they make their OWN choices instead of the choices and decisions already laid out for them. Mormons will look right at me and say, "you think that the prophets try to dictate your decisions? Well, that's because you lost the spirit and you are wrong and an apostate. I make my own decisions."

Choice also plays into this elitist mindset (please see CTR posts here and here). Mormons believe that they are a choice people. Jews used to be chosen, but now that chosen status goes to the mormons. They are the best of the best, the generals of the war in heaven. If we could just remember who you were, you would never chose to sin.

Mormons don't see that their teachings about satan reflect very closely the practices of the church. Mormons see satan's great sin NOT as wanting to be like god (the great miltonion sin), but his desire to take away our choice. Satan wanted to MAKE us all obey god so we would all go back to heaven. This was unforgivable and satan was cast out.

There is one lesson that my father loves to teach. He calls a smart, punk-ass kid up and has him look at a pair of handcuffs. Asks the kid if he could get away. Smiling and scoffing for his friends, he says of course. Dad has the kid lay his hand in the cuffs; what about now? Yes. Dad half closes the cuffs. Now? Sure. Let's the metal touch metal surrounding the kids wrist. How about now? Yes. One click: now? Yeah. Another click: can you still get out? It might hurt a little, but yes. Dad slams the cuffs closed, and twists the kid's arm up behind him. Dad asks the crowd: when did I have him? Various answers are shouted from the crowd, and from the humbled kid trying not to whimper, trying to look tough while he is helpless. I had him when he chose to come up here.

That is how satan gets you. He is conniving, and he has you at your FIRST bad decision. Another object lesson involves the thread: same thing, just with wrapping thread around your hands, showing how after so many bad decisions, the sheer accumulation makes it impossible to escape. That's how addiction is evil: it takes away your decisions, mimics satan's plan. Satan is behind all addictions.

Yet mormons cannot see that same inability to choose inherent in my general conference quotes above, in their practices, in everything they do. The scriptures say that where two people get together in the name of god, god is in the midst of them; I say that wherever two or more mormons gather, there in the midst is an analysis-free zone, reflecting in the blankness in their eyes, the ability to not listen, but to say "pray and follow the prophet" when called upon for an answer.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Young womens values part 4: Knowledge

The glory of god is intelligence.

Mormons believe that before we existed in the pre-existence (a Miltonion place where we all floated around in our endless being), we were all intelligences. Mormons who are accused of being anti-intellectual point to the church owned schools, the high level of education of their leaders, the scriptures that advocate you to "seek ye knowledge out of the best books." Mormons can give you any number of general conference talks that say that you should go to school, educate yourself, "children will never recover from the ignorance of their mothers." Etc, etc, ad nauseum.

The church has this very divided view on knowledge. On the one hand, knowledge is good. In the stairwell at the BYU library, there is a quote that says "search ye out of the best books." The church teaches that "the glory of god is intelligence." Boys (sometimes, but not often, girls) are encouraged to go to school and get an education. When Joseph Smith got the first vision, he did so because he "lacked wisdom" and so asked god.

At the same time, too much knowledge is bad. After all, who determines the "best" books? I was told when I was in grad school that I shouldn't read that which disagrees with the church. Like what? Archeology that says the earth is older than 6,000 years? Evolutionary works? There is, after all, a lot that disagrees with the church.

Knowledge is also placed in opposition to, and greater than, faith. When you bear testimony (the act of getting up in front of others who believe as you do, and reaffirm your mutually held beliefs, you always say you "know." I know that god lives, I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, I know that Thomas S. Monson is the prophet today.

However, there is another side to the story (I have a very personal relationship with that other side. I couldn't read that which disagreed with the church for a full year after I decided church was not for me. The thought of reading things about the church that were not approved and correlated filled me with an inexplicable dread. I was literally made sick). Mormonism has always had an anti intellectual streak. A country mile wide streak.

It begins innocently enough: it begins with feelings. You are taught that good feelings equals god telling you it's good, and bad feelings is god telling you it's wrong. Or that good feeling is satan trying to pull you away, and bad feeling is godly guilt so that you can repent. From the time you are very little, you are taught that feeling trumps all, trumps fact and history and your brain and your soul. It doesn't matter that Joseph Smith was a lying pedophile: I feel that he was a true prophet of god. It doesn't matter that the fictionalized history of The Work and the Glory says NOTHING about the polygamy that was rampant in the church, and the lies and the struggles and the contradictions and the unhappy women and children resultant from horny men claiming revelation and god and holiness in their desire to bed multiple women: when I read the book, I feel good, so it must be true. This is the "I know" of mormonism.

That means that when you are presented with facts, facts that contradict your "knowledge" of the gospel, you feel bad. When presented with court documents of Joseph Smith being a convicted con man, you feel bad. When you read that all the "explanations" of polygamy are deeply flawed, you feel awful. When you research the Pearl of Great Price, and hear what Egyptologists say about it, you feel personally attacked. You feel your world coming apart. And that is just god's way of telling you that it is bad and untrue, and you should pray more and pay your tithing, and put all that disturbing stuff out of your mind.

I did. I did for a long time. I would defend the church. I believed that polygamy really didn't matter. I believed that my bishop knew better than I did. I believed my search for knowledge was going to lead me straight to hell. I believed that I was the problem, that I was a sinner for even daring to ask the questions.

Of course, my belief was reinforced by centuries of anti-intellectual reinforcement:
What is true is not always useful
The three greatest threats to the church are feminists, homosexuals, and so-called intellectuals
Once the prophet speaks, the thinking has been done
Do not speak evil of the lord's annointed
Follow the prophet
When they are learned, they think they are wise and harken not unto the counsels of god
Lean not unto thine own understanding
Knowledge in the church is the most important kind
If you want to know about mormonism, ask a mormon
Don't read things that disagree with the church
Don't associate with apostates
People only leave the church because they're offended, because they want to sin, because they are weak

I hated going to church. I hated the banality, the repetition. I hated being spoon-fed the same thing when I craved knowledge, analysis, something more than the same things I had been hearing my whole life. I taught the women's class once: I have always been a teacher, and I am good at it. I didn't do anything radical, but maybe I was a bit too outspoken, a bit too analytical, a bit too interested in getting participation from others instead of letting them slip into the comfortable coma that is familiar to anyone who's sat through a mormon meeting. I was released from my calling before I could teach another.

Knowledge is good, but if it causes you to question, then satan can get you. Knowledge is good, as long as you don't ask too many questions. Knowledge is good, but bow to the will of your preisthood authority. Knowledge is good, but don't share it if it looks bad for the church. Knowledge is good, but keep it to yourself. Knowledge is good, but don't read books/websites that disagree with the church, that will cause you to fall away. Knowledge is good, but your testimony is so fragile.

At BYU, there were things that you couldn't talk about. Feminism, homosexuality, anti-mormonism, huge chunks of science, of analysis, of anything negative. Don't engage in fault-finding, don't be stiff-necked, brass-browed.

I was never one to control information, but I somehow made it make sense in my head: the fact that I could analyze for school but not the church. Never the church. Don't think too much about the church, because, after all, doesn't it feel right?

Knowledge is good, but make sure you you sit down and shut the fuck up.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I was told today that polygamy was never doctrinal, despite the fact that it is in the DOCTRINE and covenants. I was told that finding it in D&C 132 is all interpretation and false. I was told that it was just a mistake on the part of some imperfect men.

I don't know whether to laugh or to cry.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Young womens values part 3: Individual worth

Worth in the mormon church is evaluated in very specific ways. Worthiness is evaluated yearly and sometimes more often.

I am 12, excited to go to the temple for the first time. Finally I get to do baptisms for the dead. I have to get a recommend so I sign up for an interview. I wait in the hallway of the church with the other pre-teens, all nervous, all restless, all confused and hormonal and crazy, as we are one-by-one collected into the bishop's office.

I don't know the bishop. I know his daughters, who are all stuck up. I know that my 16 year old sister doesn't like him, but she doesn't like anyone who tells her what to do. I know that he is a pharmacist. I know that he is at the church every night, and all day Sunday.

Finally, it is my turn. The bishop is running late, so I am going to have to beg a ride home again. The office is small and cheerless, dominated by an enormous dark desk flanked by two tall file cabinets. I imagine him at the grocery store, looking down on people from the pharmacy. He is looking down on me now over his wire glasses. I sit in the chair in front of his desk, my feet not touching the mauve carpet.

He asks me to offer an opening prayer. I say something banal about getting home in safety. As he starts the interview, I can see his impossibly long legs splayed under the desk, his suit pants just a little too short. As he fixes his gaze on me, I remember all the stories I know about the power of discernment, and how god tells the bishop if you lie. Lying to the bishop is lying to god himself. The bishop is your friend. I squirm uncomfortably.

The questions start out simply enough. Do you believe in god, and his son jesus christ? Do you believe that Joseph Smith restored the one true church to the earth? Do you sustain your priesthood leaders? Yes, yes, yes.

Then came the serious questions: do you obey the commandments? do you follow the word of wisdom? do you obey the law of chastity? I remember lessons about moral purity in things like petting and necking. I wonder what pleasure is derived from putting your necks together. I say I keep the law of chastity. I'd know if I were petting, right?

I hope desperately that he won't ask about touching myself, which I definitely do. I have heard that he only asks the boys. He doesn't ask me directly, but he looks at me severely: if there is anything you need to repent of, confession to the bishop is a necessary part of the repentance process. Do you know the steps of repentance? I force a smile, repeating the steps, and wonder again about the discernment.

He says the closing prayer, blessing that I will be diligent and obedient. I walk back into the hall with his signature, my pass into the temple, into the house of the lord. No unclean thing can enter.

I wonder fervently if I am unclean. I don't know the word masturbation, but I know from the lessons in church that I am doing wrong. I wonder if repenting to god is enough, but I keep running into the correct, true list of repentance:
1. Sorrow
2. Confession
3. Ask forgiveness
4. Restitution
5. Promise to never do it again
I confessed to god, but it is clear at church that confession is to the bishop. I ask god but the heavens are silent.

If you repent, but do it again, failing in step 5, all those past sins you confessed for come back. I always fail at step 2 and 5. But I dread not being able to take the sacrament. My whole family would know. I dread the public shame and resolve, again, to keep my hands off myself, and contemplate how many sins have come back to me at my last slip up. Rumor had it that the temple workers had the power of discernment as well. I hope I won't get kicked out. Six months to my birthday and the next worthiness interview.